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Daffy December Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

December is finally here. It seems like yesterday we were all starting classes in September. This fall semester has flown by, but it’s not quite over yet. The semester officially ends on December 20th.  Until then, good luck with your work and best wishes on your finals!


1: World AIDS Awareness Day – AIDS is a disease that produces flu like symptoms at first. It can be transmitted sexually, from blood, or from mother to child. The red ribbon is the symbol for AIDS awareness. Sport one today.

2: National Fritters Day – National Fritters Day. My, oh my! It seems like there are way too many holidays dedicated to food, specifically pastries. At this rate, I’ll gain the freshmen 15 during my junior year. (Where’s National Eat Fruit and Exercise Day?)

3: National Roof over Your Head Day – Many people don’t actually realize how nice it is to have a place to stay every night. Having a roof over your head is actually a great gift that many people don’t have: take today to appreciate the fact that you do.

4: Santa’s List Day – Perhaps this is the day that Santa finalizes his list.  Let’s hope you’re on the nice list, otherwise you’ll be getting coal for the Holidays!

5: Bathtub Party Day – Remember when you were a child and you took baths? They used to be a thing of fun. They still can be, but don’t get me wrong, I’d much rather relax in the bathtub with a good book.

6: Put On Your Own Shoes Day – Put On Your Own Shoes Day? Does this imply that other people are supposed to put shoes on for me every other day? If so, I’ve been doing it wrong since I was four.

7: Pearl Harbor Day – Also called National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, Peal Harbor Day is a day to remember the Japanese bombing on Pearl Harbor. It also signifies the US’s reasons for entering World War II. On a day like this one, we’d like to say thank you to those military men and women who serve, have served, or have given their lives for the name of our great nation.

8: National Brownie Day – More pastries. More yummy. National Brownie Day is just another day with an excuse to indulge yourself in some chocolaty goodness.

9: National Pastry Day – I’ve never seen a day so fitting before. National Pastry Day? It’s like every day is National Pastry Day. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t mind going to get myself some extra Danish pastries.

10: Human Rights Day – Even today, there are some very basic human rights that are being taken away. The right to water, to a clean place to live, etc. Education is power. Hit up your friendly search engine and share the knowledge. [pagebreak]

11: National Noodle Ring Day – National Noodle Ring Day? Does anyone even know what a National Noodle Ring is? I sure don’t. But I’ll take a good guess, I bet it’s food. (Yup, it’s food.)

12: Poinsettia Day – Poinsettias are such pretty and festive plants. Whether you like red, pink, or white, go out and get yourself a poinsettia plant. It’ll look festive and pretty in your dorm.   

13: Ice Cream Day & Violin Day – Violins and ice cream? I don’t know who would be complaining on December 13th. I’m going to drown myself in ice cream and sad violin music.

14: National Bouillabaisse Day – Bouillabaisse is a French fish stew. If prepared right, it can be a really tasty and hearty meal. Dinner for tonight? Bouillabaisse.

15: National Lemon Cupcake Day – ALL OF THESE FOOD HOLIDAYS. Also, cupcakes!  :)

16: National Chocolate Covered Anything Day – Chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate covered pretzels, and even chocolate covered bacon. All of the chocolate covered foods are delicious.

17: National Maple Syrup Day – Fresh Maple Syrup tastes so different than the stuff you can buy at the super market that’s littered with corn syrup. Try the good stuff with your breakfast today; you might be surprised at how much more you like it.

18: Bake Cookies Day – Baking cookies from scratch can be such a rewarding experience. Take some time out of your day, take a deep breath, and relax from finals and break. Then you’ll have an excellent snack to hit the books with.

19: Look for an Evergreen Day – Ironically enough, with Christmas coming soon, you’ll need an Evergreen to decorate as your signature Christmas tree. If you don’t have one already, you better go out and get yourself one. You don’t want to end up with a Charlie Brown Christmas tree. [pagebreak]

20: Go Caroling Day – Sing! Sing your heart out! Finals are over, and the holidays are coming. You’re free from school, and that’s something to sing about.

21: National Flashlight Day – Flashlights are one of the greatest gifts mankind has. Without flashlights, creating shadow puppets would be no fun. You also wouldn’t be able to read in the dark well either!

22: National Date Nut Bread Day – I can’t even handle it anymore. At this point, there have to be at least 7 days dedicated to food or pastries. No comment. (Except that Date Nut Bread looks absolutely delicious!)

23: Roots Day – Roots Day? I wonder if we’re talking about plant roots or family roots. Nonetheless, they both are supposed to provide a stable foundation. Let’s hope they do.

24: National Egg Nog Day – Egg Nog? If you could see my face, you’d know I’m not excited about this day. I suppose it’s fitting on Christmas Eve to enjoy a glass of Egg Nog. But only if you like it…. (As for me, I’ll be skipping this day.)

25: Christmas Day – For those who celebrate Christmas, Santa has arrived and hopefully with some great presents. But remember, Christmas is about giving just as much as it is about receiving.

26: Boxing Day – Boxing Day is the day after Christmas. Traditionally, it was known as boxing day because workers would receive Christmas Boxes from their bosses.

27: Make Cut-Out Snowflakes Day – Now that the Holidays are passing; we’ve got time to celebrate the winter season. If it hasn’t snowed yet, cut out some paper snowflakes.

28: Card Playing Day – The best way to pass some time with friends is playing card games. Whether it’s BlackJack, Pokemon, Poker, or Magic: The Gathering, get together with some friends and enjoy yourselves.

29: Pepper Pot Day – Pepper Pot Day or Pepper Potts Day? (We believe it’s the former.) Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean that you can’t spice up your life with some peppers.

30: National Bicarbonate of Soda Day – Otherwise known as baking soda, this lovely chemical compound is known for leavening many bakery items. Additionally, it’s good for removing those terrible odors, too!

31: New Year’s Eve – The day before the New Year. Do you have your New Years resolution ready? Enjoy yourself and ring in the New Year with family and friends. You’ll enjoy it so much better if you do! We’ll see you next year, collegiettes!


Thank you once again to HolidayInsights.com for help compiling a list of  Daffy December Holidays. We’ll see you back here in January!


Photo sources:

 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"