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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

If I’m being completely honest. I have no clue (just kidding).

I am currently a senior, majoring in Journalism with a minor in English literature. While I’ve finished all of my classes for my major, I still need take a few (8 to be exact) classes. Plus, balancing out some extracurricular activities on campus. It’s honestly been a rollercoaster of a journey as a college student, but I’ve made the most of it and have had a lot of fun.

One way I’ve balanced my life as a college student is getting a planner. As cheesy as it sounds, I have no clue what I would do without one! It’s kept me on top of everything that I need to do and has helped me stay motivated. I love checking off the assignments/homework that I’ve finished. Plus, as you get older you realize that your memory isn’t the way it was when you were young (even though I am 22).

Besides balancing the academic aspect, I’ve learned to relax as well and make sure that I am taking time for myself. All of the assignments, clubs, and leadership roles, can be a lot to take in if you’re involved on campus. I like to relax by curling into a caterpillar ball with my blankets and watching Youtube videos, spending time with friends/family, plus watching some movies or do photography/videography.

I’ve learned that you need a break and time to just breathe because burnouts do happen, and you shouldn’t push yourself to the extent where you are exhausted (which I’ve learned the hard way and I do not recommend it). Trust me, as you keep going, you’ll find your own way to balance your academic and personal life, it took me a while to get a hang of it but I’ve found a way to balance it and I’m sure you can do it too!

Giannelli is a senior at William Paterson University, majoring in Journalism with a minor in English Literature. She is the senior editor for the universities chapter.