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Treasures of Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WMU chapter.

If you collegiettes always travel in the same path to and from classes, you may miss out on all the treasures that campus has to offer. Have a few hours or even 15 minutes in between classes? Avoid going home; take this time to explore. You may find that new favorite homework spot or that new source of inspiration you have been lingering for. Here are just some of the few places I have found to pass my time.

Richmond Center for Visual Arts (RCVA)- Many students never step foot in the RCVA or “art building” as others choose to refer it as. The first floor of the RCVA contains four galleries full of modern and contemporary art by professionals, students, and alum and is free admission to all. Currently, the exhibition in the Albertine Monroe- Brown Gallery is David Wojnarowicz’s Fire in My Belly. It will be featured until March 25th.

Gallery Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Saturday: Noon – 6:00 p.m.

East Campus– Sitting high in the sky, East Campus has a breathtaking view of the city. Home to the first buildings of Western’s campus in 1904, East Campus was added to the National Register of Historic Places within the last two decades. Aim to go around sunrise or sunset; I promise you will not regret it. If the view alone doesn’t do it for you, take the time to soak in the architecture and even the graffiti of the old buildings. It will take your breath away.

Amphitheatre– Behind Knauss Hall, lays WMU’s very own outdoor amphitheatre. Other than the occasional skateboarders and bikers jumping off the rails, this is the perfect spot to finish memorizing those last few vocab terms before your next quiz or reading the next chapter of that book for English class.

Miller Auditorium– Ranked as one of the top ten facilities in the United States, Miller Auditorium is a center for the performing arts. Miller brings a wide variety of different entertainment for students and the general public. Upcoming performances include the Blue Man Group and Madagascar Live! Student ticket prices are real affordable and worth every penny. Next time you’re free go visit the ticket office inside Miller or go online to check the different shows and times.

Ticket Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Campus Statues– Around every nook and cranny, one can find some sort of art sculpture on campus. Such as that giant whale that landed in front of Rood Hall over the summer. Ever wonder, “What was that artist thinking?” Well, I ask myself that all the time. WMU is full of some beautiful artwork and some that I find hideous. But, hey, that’s for you to decide. Keep your eye out next time you walk to class. You might spot something new.
Take the time you’re spending at college, these four years or more, and explore the town you’re living in; you might actually like what you see!
