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Tips for Driving and Parking on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WMU chapter.


Parking and driving on campus can be stressful and confusing, especially if you’re new to it. Here are some tips to help you become a pro at parking on campus.


  1. Be alert! We all know there are many bad drivers out there, campus is no exception. Be cautious, you never know when someone is going to cut you off. Look for turn signals; know where you are at all times.


The first time I ventured into a round-about was a scary but useful experience. I came to a full stop at the stop sign. I thought no one was around me, but I was definitely wrong. I looked around trying to figure out the roun-about. Then I turned on my turn signal and prepared myself to make the turn. Suddenly I heard someone lay on their horn! I was shocked! It turned out there was a car behind me; it was so close to my bumper I couldn’t see its lights. I quickly made my turn into the round-about, and around and around I went for a couple of minutes, collecting myself.


  1. When parking on campus, know where you need to go so you can find the parking garage or parking lot ahead of time Make sure that your parking pass covers where you’re parking. Parking maps are online or you can get them at parking services.


When parking in a parking garage I recommend pulling through so that your car is facing outward. In my opinion there is nothing scarier than trying to back up my tiny car when I’m parked in between two big trucks!


When I first started parking in the parking garages, I thought they could make a really great horror movie here. I would arrive early in the morning, sometimes it was still dark. Hearing people’s tires screech and engines roar is a truly terrifying experience when you are trying to make it from your car to the stairs. One of my biggest fears in life is to get hit by a car. Being in the parking garages certainly didn’t help! Just remember when you’re driving or walking to your car in the parking garage, you might see the car but the car might not see you.


  1. Parking tickets are expensive, and believe me I don’t have any extra money laying around. I have never received a parking ticket, but several of my friends have. It’s easy to avoid a parking ticket by only parking where your permit allows.


  1. Watch out for pedestrians. I’m sure that in your time at WMU you’ve had to cross a street. It can be a little nerve racking for some. If you’re like me, you avoid crossing the street unless it’s a pedestrian crossing. Remember to be vigilant and alert.




I am a sophmore at Western Michigan University. I'm double majoring in political science and enviromental studies, and double minoring in gender and women's studies and journalism.I love's reading the newspaper, I'm a self-proclaimed news junkie. I also love volunteering, spending time with my friends. In my rare free time I love to watch movies and televison shows a season at a time. I comedies, espically British comedies, the dryer the better! I also love spending time out side, whether it's camping, hiking, or just enjoying our world's natural beauty.My future plans include saving the earth from climate change and ensuring women's equality, well those are my long time goals anyway. After college I plan to work as a legislative aid or a political reporter. I currently serve as Her Campus WMU's senator in the Western Student Association. I also work as a reporter at my home town newspaper, The South County News.To my friends I'm known as the poltical coffee addicted shoeaholic feminist, but you can call me Morgan. Follow me on Twitter: @macfarlane_mOr email me: morgan.k.macfarlane@wmich.edu 
Katie King is a senior at Western Michigan University majoring in journalism and minoring in anthropology and gender and women's studies. This will be her second year writing for HerCampus and before that she wrote for the Western Herald. She also wrote for L7 women's magazine in the summer of 2012. In her spare time Katie likes to hang out with friends, watch reruns of old shows and talk about why Chicago is better than Michigan. When she graduates she hopes to move to New York with her tabby cat, Ellie and write for a fashion magazine. However, she changes her mind quite often so who knows where she will end up!