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“My New Year’s Resolution”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WMU chapter.

Do you ever find yourself making those same old New Year’s resolutions? No fast food. Work out everyday. Quit drinking. We set up these idealistic goals, but yet get too busy in our lives to follow through with them. Well this year, I’m trying my best to keep mine. I decided to go with the broader spectrum, though, because let’s be serious I always cave in to Taco Bell’s infamous ‘Fourthmeal.’ My New Year’s resolution is simply to try new things. This could be as easy as learning how to cook; being 21 and only knowing how to make Easy Mac and a PB&J (amazingly, I may nonchalantly add) will not win me over brownie points with any guy. I should just try banking on marrying a chef one day. Or it could be a little more challenging, such as training for my first half marathon!

The idea actually came from a friend. We were sitting at The Grotto one night and he mentioned Kalamazoo’s first ever full marathon. I thought to myself, this is a perfect way to fulfill part of my resolution. Now, I’ve always been athletic, but even the thought of starting out with 26.2 miles flares up my sports asthma instantly. I need to be realistic, 13.1 miles, the half marathon, sounds much, much better for my first time running a race.

The Kalamazoo Marathon and the Borgess Half Marathon will take place on Sunday, May 8th at 7:30 a.m. You can register online until 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, May 5th or apply for later registration, in person, Saturday, May 7th from noon to 8 p.m.

So where do I begin? I don’t have a trainer to coach me through this, but I do have the less expensive option, Google. What did people do before Google? Mystery, I know. It’s as simple as that Easy Mac I mentioned earlier. Just type in the search box, how to train for a half marathon, and boom! Right before your eyes you will find thousands of workout plans. My roommate, who is also training for the half, found a great plan that I have been following. This is the first week, so it’s not too late to catch up!


According to this workout schedule, each week involves stretch & strengthen days, running, cross-training, and resting days. Cross-training days include swimming, cycling, walking, etc. The plan doesn’t seem too vigorous and if you miss a day, due to work or school, you can catch up on another day swapping out the resting day. I suggest finding friends to run with! It will be a great way to motivate you through those long running sessions and keep you on track.

Training, for me, is a way to stay in shape and treat my neglected body better than I have been. It has also made me more cautious of what I consume on a daily basis. I have cut back on my junk and fried food eating by 80%. Or maybe it’s because I realize how much extra money I spend on fast food after those ungodly hours of 2 a.m. Sorry, ‘Fourthmeal,’ we might be taking a break for a while. Keyword: might. Besides living a healthy life, think of that feeling of accomplishment you will feel after finishing the race.

For more information on Borgess’ Half Marathon or even the Kalamazoo Marathon for those avid runners (one day, I will run those 26.2 miles, one day), go to: http://thekalamazoomarathon.com/event-info/borgess-half-marathon.

Borgess Half Marathon website: http://thekalamazoomarathon.com/event-info/borgess-half-marathon.