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Kalamazoo Community Welcomes Spring…With Beer!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WMU chapter.

It’s always interesting to see how different communities welcome the changing of the seasons. That’s one of the best parts about living in Michigan, you get to see the visually magnificent change of four seasons and you also get to see how it affects the people around you.

With the changing of the seasons, Michiganders change as well. From once hopeful of their favorite football teams’ rankings to finally committing to that promise made years ago about learning how to snowboard, each season invokes different emotions within us. If anything, the changing of the seasons is a way to give us hope for what’s to come.

Michiganders see the changing of the seasons physically and mentally. Whether it be watching a leaf fall from a tree as you walk to class, to trying to fight the winter blues, Michiganders live through it all. They hear their neighbors mowing their lawns in the summer and hear those same neighbors chipping off the ice from their cars in the winter.

After the rut of the middle of whatever season it might be sets in, there always seems to be some type of event or tradition that gives us hope. This year, the bitterly cold winter weather has over stayed its welcome. Everyone seems to have an apathetic feeling toward life as the uneventful day to day routine sets in. But then, as all hope for warm weather seemed to be lost, one little tradition saved the day.

 Recently, that hope was the release of our local spring and summertime beer, Oberon.

Oberon, a Bell’s Brewery seasonal beer, was introduced back into the beer section of our grocery stores and back into our hearts. It’s refreshing to know that even though it’s freakishly cold outside, having an Oberon with some friends gives us Michiganders a better outlook on the future.


What is it about Oberon that the people of Michigan love?


As a seasonal beer, Oberon gives us a reason to look outside and know that this gloomy weather is only temporary. Soon we will be sipping on our favorite summertime drink as a casual game of bags is played in the open parking lot of our apartment complex. That little smiling sunshine on the bottle reassures us that we lived through yet another unpredictable Michigan winter. We can start gearing up for some Detroit baseball coupled with a hot dog on the grill on a sunny afternoon.

Oberon release day in Kalamazoo, at Bell’s Brewery is something to be experienced. It’s an amazing feeling knowing that after class you’re going to be heading to the brewery to share the welcoming of springtime with a beer and with other members of the Kalamazoo community. People, young and old come to enjoy the beer garnished with an orange by sharing different stories; laughing with old friends or talking with new ones.

Bell’s Brewery has done an exceptional job of maintaining this tradition of welcoming spring each year. To them, the people of Michigan, and the people who respect a well-crafted beer, thank you. It’s not just the beer that reminds us to slow down and enjoy the changing of the seasons, but it’s a beer that brings a community together year after year. 

Oberon Day is more than a release day of an old favorite. Oberon Day brings the community together and helps set off the excitement of summertime in Michigan.

A tradition such as Oberon Day can never be forced. Kalamazoo is a great city. Oberon is a great beer, and it’s days like this that make me proud to say I live in Kalamazoo.



I always find self-written bios to be kind of awkward, but throwing modesty out the window, here goes nothing: Hi, my birth name is Sara but I feel as though most of Kalamazoo knows me as Hollywood, which has been my nickname for several years now. The nickname was given to me when I played rugby for WMU, and it just stuck. This is a chance to set aside my ultra ego, and dive into the opinions and thoughts of Sara rather than the outrageous, unbelievable adventures of Hollywood. A little about me: I am studying Communication Studies and Nonprofit Leadership at Western Michigan. I think I'm almost done, but with college, who actually knows. My ultimate goal would be to have my own column in a women's health magazine that talks about nutrition, exercise, and maintaining a positive outlook on life as a woman. But if that doesn't pan out, I figure I would own my own hotdog stand, so I got options. Unlike most people, I love running and exercising. A few years back I had something devastating happen to me, and the way that I found happiness again was through a healthy diet, learning about nutrition, and working out. I completed two triathlons this summer, and in one of them I placed in the top 10 for the 29 and below age group. Now that I have conquered the triathlon, I don't know what's next off my bucket list that I want to conquer. (May be Brazil??) I am not a 'down-to-earth' person, rather, I like a busy life and I like being involved whether it be getting involved in volunteering or just trolling around Kalamazoo with my friends. I'm always on the go and I like it that way. But as of now, I'm just a twenty-something girl with a zest for adventure with an empty wallet who is making due with exploring all what Kalamazoo has to offer. If you see me out, I'll be the girl with red shoes and a mustache tattooed on her finger. I usually refer to myself as not the girl next door, but the girl two doors down; I have a little more life lessons under my belt and a different outlook on life. http://theblacksheeponline.com/author/sara-czarnecki twitter: @sarasuzieczar
Katie King is a senior at Western Michigan University majoring in journalism and minoring in anthropology and gender and women's studies. This will be her second year writing for HerCampus and before that she wrote for the Western Herald. She also wrote for L7 women's magazine in the summer of 2012. In her spare time Katie likes to hang out with friends, watch reruns of old shows and talk about why Chicago is better than Michigan. When she graduates she hopes to move to New York with her tabby cat, Ellie and write for a fashion magazine. However, she changes her mind quite often so who knows where she will end up!