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Five Tips to Ease Midterm Stress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WMU chapter.


It’s almost that time of year that every college student dreads, midterm week.  Just when you’ve settled into your new semester routine and began to relax, it’s already the middle of the semester.  Here are a few tips to help you ease through midterm week and come out alive.


1.     Start Studying Now

I know, I know, anyone in their right mind would say “hell no” to studying a few weeks in advance to their midterms.  Let me just tell you, it will make your life so much easier.  Everyone procrastinates on studying till the week before exams, and most of them spend countless hours upon hours of late night studying.  This will only make your stress levels go up and your energy levels go down.  DON’T WAIT!  Create a study schedule so you can space out the times you spend on studying for certain classes.


2.      Exercise

Staying healthy is key to staying motivated before exam week.  Exercise in almost any form can also act as a stress reliever. Being active can boost your feel-good endorphins and distract you from daily worries.  Regular exercise before a big exam can increase self-confidence and lower the symptoms associated with mild depression and anxiety. Exercise also can improve your sleep, which is often disrupted by stress and late night study hours.


3.     Listen to Music That Inspires You

Everyone loves music.  It helps you escape your reality and enter into a world that you enjoy being in.  Music can also help motivate you to get work done and help you to settle down.  As music can absorb our attention, it acts as a distraction at the same time it helps to explore emotions. This means it can be a great aid to meditation, helping to prevent the mind from wandering.


4.     Find a Study Buddy

Nobody likes studying alone; it’s a lonely and frustrating feeling.  Having someone to study with will make your studying both enjoying and stress free.  Help each other out and give tips.  Your friends will know how to help you remember impossible facts and notes.  Just remember to make it fun.  No one should have to go through studying for a huge week of exams alone.


5.     Take a Nap

Studying for hours every day will leave you feeling mentally and physically drained.  Take naps! Naps are essential to make you feel refreshed and energized.  Taking a nice long nap between study hours will help you retain what you have just looked over and feel motivated to continue.  Napping will also keep you healthy before exam week so you don’t get sick.  Remember, even college students are need of a nap every now and then.



Katie King is a senior at Western Michigan University majoring in journalism and minoring in anthropology and gender and women's studies. This will be her second year writing for HerCampus and before that she wrote for the Western Herald. She also wrote for L7 women's magazine in the summer of 2012. In her spare time Katie likes to hang out with friends, watch reruns of old shows and talk about why Chicago is better than Michigan. When she graduates she hopes to move to New York with her tabby cat, Ellie and write for a fashion magazine. However, she changes her mind quite often so who knows where she will end up!