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W&M Synchro Spring Showcase

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

What better way to escape the wet outdoors by heading down to the indoor swimming pool and watching the W&M Synchronized Swimming Spring Showcase? I braved the rain this afternoon to go see the show, and I am happy to report that it was worth the effort. The club sport is divided into two sections, the Green team (for more advanced swimmers) and the Gold team (those who started the sport in college), which you notice, by the color of their respected swim caps.

I was completely blown away when the Green team opened the show with an Arabian routine. The women were perfectly in sync with each other (as far as I could tell) and the splashes from their headstands and dives were in perfect time with the music. The Gold team demonstrated their skill with a routine to a personal favorite of mine, the soundtrack to “Pirates of the Caribbean”.

I was really impressed by the length of the routines; there was a lot of memorization involved for the nine routines that made up the show. There were flips, tosses, spins, and lots of kicks; I was out of breath just watching these women! I could imagine it would take a lot of skill and discipline to learn these routines and compete. The W&M team was very successful in their competitions, even utilizing a substitute when one of the swimmers broke her elbow. 

Overall, it was an exciting performance and I wasn’t prepared for how charming and humorous the ladies could be while performing. There are a lot of facial expressions involved! I highly recommend checking them out next school year; just don’t take your boyfriend. These synchronized sisters like to show off a lot of leg! 

Alexandra is a Junior at The College of William and Mary and has been a huge supporter of the Her Campus team since her Freshman year. She has been a Chapter Adviser and budget coordinator, however her favorite job has been contributing articles to the site. Among writing, her other hobbies include dancing, playing the viola, trying out new sports with her IM team, organizing social events for her sorority, and of course-storytelling. Alex is known to be as fun and feisty as her leopard print wardrobe.