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Sukyoung Kim, WM Exchange Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

Year: Exchange Student – Junior

Hometown: Seoul, Korea

Major: English Literature

Activities: Flat Hat Blog and Salsa Club
What are your favorite TV shows? 
This is so hard! Glee is the perfect show you could ever imagine. It touches on sensitive issues like homosexual people and insecurity everyone feels in high school. I also love the songs! But I have so many favorite shows [laughs]. I like Veronica Mars because it’s a very feminist show. She is a funny, sarcastic character. I like how she is rebellious against social hierarchy but she also shows no one can be perfect. Basically, the type of shows I like combine humor and fun but also include social commentary… but that doesn’t mean I don’t watch shows like Pretty Little Liars.
Why do you watch American shows more than Korean shows? 
The overall quality is really low because most shows are filmed live. Also, the actors are really over worked and exhausted. I don’t like how they portray Korean girls, the storyline is an unrealistic “Cinderella Story”. 
What interests you about feminist issues?
Gender studies gives me a different perspective and a new language to explain personal problems. Instead of wondering why I feel insecure or bad about myself in a certain situation, feminist theories give me a reason and new words to describe feelings.  
How are gender studies in America different from Korea?
They mainly differ because of the culture. For example, in Korea, guys are required to go to the army. Military culture changes Korean culture and effects the way men see themselves, also how women see themselves.  Army is given the great responsibility of defending Korea but only men get to do it. America is a less homogenous society. In my gender studies classes in Korea, we focus on class and hierarchy in relation to gender. The gender classes I’m taking at W&M include race as a very key part of the issue.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 
Probably in or applying to graduate school. I want to go to Columbia! I don’t know if they want me but I really want them. I will probably study cultural Anthropology and Women’s Studies. But since coming to W&M as an exchange student, I’ve been considering continuing my studies in literature!
How would you describe your style?
Simple, with a funny touch. Like dressing in all black with hot pink shoes. I have big glasses that some people have called my “Harry Potter” glasses but I like them.  I also focus on the silhouette when I get dressed. If I am going to wear something lose on top, I will wear skinny jeans or tights. It’s great to mix and match. 
How are Korean fashions different from American? 
We have recently gotten a lot of the same shops as America. Overall, it’s not that different but college fashion is much more dressy. A typical outfit for a college girl in Korea would be long curled hair, a lot of makeup, a pretty chiffon dress with a nice jacket and 2 inch heels. Also the girls never wear a backpack but have a tote and hold all the books to make a statement about what they are studying.
What is your ideal day?
I would wake up around 8:00. Read a book for awhile. Have lunch with friends. We probably would do a little bit of shopping and then just talk a lot. There are not many places to do that here in Williamsburg but in Seoul I would stay at a coffee shop with friends for like 4 hours. We talk about everything from politics to fashion to future plans. Then I would have dinner with my family. We have good heart to heart talks. Then I would like to go to the park with my mom. We might go for a jog and then talk even more. 
Best study location?
Location doesn’t matter but it’s all about how well I can focus! There was a period where I could only focus inside the Seoul Subway (not the restaurant). I had an hour and a half trip to school so there was plenty of time to study. 

I'm a fashion-obsessed Business major at William and Mary.   I'm currently studying abroad at the London College of Fashion!  I am the President of HC W&M!  I love the ocean, working out, and extreme couponing.  This summer I interned with Marie Claire in NYC-- my dream internship!   Get to know me more on my fashion/style blog, "All Dolled Up"--->  www.dylanmaureen.blogspot.com