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S.A.F.E.T.Y. from Sketchiness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

No matter what college you go to, there are always dangers present on and off campus. With the
recent mugging of a William and Mary student, many students are left wondering about
their safety here on campus. But there are precautions you can take no matter where you are:
Smart actions are the best actions. If you want to put yourself in a good position, firstly and most importantly, BE SMART!! Don’t carry too much cash or something of extreme value like your great grandmother’s diamond necklace when walking to class. Leave the “unnecessaries” safely locked away in your dorm room. Use your good sense of judgment will help to ensure that you aren’t vulnerable to people with bad intentions.
Awareness of your surroundings is essential. Try to be aware of what’s going on in the
environment around you. If you sense danger, contact someone. It can be the William and Mary police, Williamsburg authorities, or a personal friend. Remain calm and try to arrive at your destination as quickly and safely as possible. During the nighttime, avoid walking through dark areas alone. If you are uncomfortable going to certain places by yourself, DON’T GO.
Find a Buddy. Always try to walk with people you know, especially during the
evening. If you are traveling alone for any reason, have a contact person that you can call if you feel like you’re in any danger. There are security posts around campus that are helpful if you don’t think you’re safe, but the best choice is to go with a group. The saying really is true: two is better than one!
Enhance your knowledge of safety precautions. There is a ton of information on the
internet that can help students with general safety tips. Use your resources and you will be well-informed and better equipped to address any future dangers.
Take defense classes! As crazy as it sounds, these are fun and helpful. Tackle your fears, while learning how to better protect yourself. There is karate, jujitsu, wrestling, and so many more options that will teach you the art of defense. Hey, it may come in handy one day!
You can spread your knowledge! Now that you have these tips, spread the word to your friends and family and visit HerCampus WM all the time for even more helpful advice and awesome articles!! 

I'm a fashion-obsessed Business major at William and Mary.   I'm currently studying abroad at the London College of Fashion!  I am the President of HC W&M!  I love the ocean, working out, and extreme couponing.  This summer I interned with Marie Claire in NYC-- my dream internship!   Get to know me more on my fashion/style blog, "All Dolled Up"--->  www.dylanmaureen.blogspot.com