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Kids Advice for Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

When life (finals) gets you down, always remember, there are a million children out there who look up to our generation and want to be like us. They have dreams and want to accomplish them, just like we do. I had the opportunity to correspond with two ages of children who gave me advice for taking finals, and gave some quotes to help cheer you up if finals is stressing you out to no end. The first group of quotes is from elementary schoolers who send all their best wishes to us during out finals. The second group of quotes comes from middle schoolers who are starting to learn the struggle that is taking tests. From these kids to you, best of luck on your finals.


When asked, “What advice would you give someone who had to take a really hard test?” The elementary school kids responded with:

·      Think!

·      Practice the test.

·      Review it over and over.

·      Come to [our school], we’ll teach you everything!

·      Study using calculators.

·      Do a good job.

·      Do your best!

·      Read a chapter book.

·      Practice at home.

·      Read information about it and write it down.

·      Take notes.

·      Put a book in your pocket.

·      Sleep well!

·      Give a big hug (virtual?) to your parents (friends?) before you leave to take the test.

·      Eat a hot dog and spaghetti before your test.

·      Eat a banana because it’ll keep you healthy.

·      Go to France to get another language.

·      Go to the bathroom before you take the test!

·      Think about good things like ponies so you won’t get nervous.

The middle school kids responded with:

·      Listen to calming music

·      Put a binder in front of you so no one can distract you

·      Think of things you have learned in the past

·      Listen to music

·      Think positively

·      Take extra notes for everything and take everything easy

·      Work hard

·      Don’t cheat

·      Try your absolute best!


When asked, “How would you cheer someone up who is upset or having a bad day?” the elementary school kids responded with:

·      “Don’t worry, it’s okay”

·      Make them laugh by telling a joke or doing something funny

·      Eat a hot dog with them.

·      “Cheer up, dude!”

·      “let’s go eat a pretzel”

·      “You can come to my birthday party!”

·      “Eat more chicken!”

·      “You can come play with me”

·      “You can be my friend!”

·      Go to Cedar Point and ride a roller coaster together

The middle school kids responded with:

·      Open up to someone. When you keep things inside you get more depressed

·      I’d take them to a movie or go somewhere they love with them

·      Go out for a nice dinner

·      “Be happy no matter what”

·      “Just be your awesome self”

·      Give them their favorite things – like chocolate!


So just remember, most of the times, food is the answer. But when in doubt, just go hang out with kids, they’ll make you feel better. Keep on studying WM! Finals will be over soon and then we’re off for a complete month to do what we do the best: Sleep!


***Special thank you to the students who helped me out by giving me these quotes! And their teacher. Names, ages, schools, etc. are being kept anonymous in protection of the children, but thank you to each and every one of you because you guys are the coolest! Hope you guys have a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! And good luck on your tests and dreams as well!***