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How To Be Cute (but comfy) for that Dreaded 8AM Class

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

Your alarm goes off at 7am. Without opening your eyes, you continually hit the snooze button until 7:30, then unwillingly roll out of bed to get ready for class in top speed.  Standing in front of your closet, you cringe at the thought of trying to jam into your skinny jeans and just go for sweats and a hoodie.  STOP! It doesn’t have to be this way!
We have all fallen victim to “bummin’ it” for our early morning classes, but there are ways to be comfortable and still appear as if you have a sense of style.
Here are a few essentials for building a chic, yet secretly comfortable outfit for class:
1. Leggings These little numbers do wonders!  Usually made from a cozy blend of lycra, spandex, cotton, and nylon, they can be paired with a snug cotton dress (yes, dresses can be comfortable!), tunic, or your favorite fitted top and blazer.  If it’s colder outside, leggings are your favorite furry boots’ best friend.  (A safe alternative: yoga pants).
2. Jeggings.  
No, I’m not repeating myself.  Jeggings, or jean-leggings, are a step up from the aforementioned leggings.  I pray that these never go out of style, as they are fashion lifesaver!  They allow the comfort of stretchy material, but the appearance of skinny jeans; perfect for those “I’m-so-tired-but-I-still-look-cute” mornings.  If you’re willing to make amini sacrifice, wear a pair of casual heels to really set off this look.

 >>The great thing about these jeggings is that they allow you to wear a loose top without looking like you got lost in your boyfriend’s closet.  Comfort on the top and bottom that create an effortless chic combination?!  I’ll takeit.
<<  Actress Sienna Miller’s got the right idea. 
      You rock those jeggings!
3. Crewneck sweatshirt.  This one can be tricky.  When I say this, I don’t mean your grandma’s crewneck sweatshirt with the embroidered birdhouses.  There are actually acceptable crewnecks that are a better alternative to the classic hooded sweatshirt.  For instance, Victoria’s Secret Pink (my favorite brand for cute comfort!) has loads of these.  [I’m going to be honest: I do LOVE hooded sweatshirts!  If you want to go this way when trying to look cute for class, the more fitted and girly the better.] 
So I’ve given you the essentials.  If you don’t have these pieces yet, pick some up over fall break because autumn has arrived!  Have fun with this and experiment; try adding different jewelry and shoes to your most comfortable combinations.
As college students, we all have the right to rock our hoodies and sweats every once in a while.  But lets limit the days where we hide beneath our hoods, and multiply the ones where we show up to that 8AM class with style.  Not to mention, a mischievous smile upon our faces because we know that we have mastered comfy collegiette™ fashion!

Kelsey is a junior majoring in Marketing at the College of William and Mary. She is currently involved in a telecommuting internship for Polina Fashion, where she is the PR Assistant in charge of social media. In addition, she is co-president of her school's Student Marketing Association. Kelsey strives to be the change that she wants to see in the world, and is avidly involved in organizations such as Invisible Children, STAND, and Students for Stop Hunger Now. When she finds time to relax, Kelsey loves music and being outdoors, whether at the beach or camping in the mountains. She hopes to travel the world throughout her lifetime and plans to study abroad in Budapest, Hungary this summer. Most importantly, there is nothing that Kelsey adores more than spending quality time with the people she loves.
I'm a fashion-obsessed Business major at William and Mary.   I'm currently studying abroad at the London College of Fashion!  I am the President of HC W&M!  I love the ocean, working out, and extreme couponing.  This summer I interned with Marie Claire in NYC-- my dream internship!   Get to know me more on my fashion/style blog, "All Dolled Up"--->  www.dylanmaureen.blogspot.com