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Guys Talk: 10 Flirting Tips from the Fellas of William and Mary

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

It’s a new year, and it’s time to dump out those old flirtatious moves and replace them with ones that actually work! Flirting is an art that everyone has triedevery now and again and in order to get the best results, Her Campus asked our very own gentlemen at William and Mary what flirtatious tricks turn them on. Surprisingly, they can be just as romantic as women.   Here is what the guys of William and Mary want us to know!

1. Guys enjoy playful pushes and don’t mind compliments.

2. Don’t be afraid to make the first move, go ahead and ask your crush out for lunch or coffee after class.

3. Guys like women who are straightforward and completely obvious; they admit to being absolutely clueless when you try to be mysterious and secretive.

4. A guy’s number one fear is rejection, so let him know you are into him by making lots of eye contact and don’t be shy in sending signals. The W&M guys say the “wink” and “hair flip” are retired, try to make the impression that you are friendly and approachable, not just a flirt.

5. They like dates where the mood is light and fun, so laugh at his jokes and use humor.

6. Find a common interest to talk about, don’t bring up subjects that you think he’ll like but you know nothing about.

7. The biggest annoyance guys notice about flirting is when women rag on other guys.

8. Don’t bring up everyone you’ve hooked up with and tell him how rude or inconsiderate they were.

9. Guys really appreciate honesty, they aren’t looking to be impressed with your book smarts, or sex smarts.

10. Just be nice! Your chances of hooking a guy start with letting him know who you are. We asked some of the guys what their idea of a perfect “get to know you” date at W&M would be and our top response was taking a walk down Dog Street at sunset. See? Guys can be just as romantic as women! 

Alexandra is a Junior at The College of William and Mary and has been a huge supporter of the Her Campus team since her Freshman year. She has been a Chapter Adviser and budget coordinator, however her favorite job has been contributing articles to the site. Among writing, her other hobbies include dancing, playing the viola, trying out new sports with her IM team, organizing social events for her sorority, and of course-storytelling. Alex is known to be as fun and feisty as her leopard print wardrobe.