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Griffin Glamour: How to Rock Colored Jeans on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

Brightly-hued jeans have hit the shelves everywhere from classic J.Crew to trendy Forever 21. These colorful bottoms are a hot commodity for spring/summer 2012, but how can CollegiettesTM make them look hot on? Here are the three things to look for when shopping for not-so-blue jeans.
The first thing to think about when attempting the saturated jeans look is what color to buy. There are two things to consider here: what colors you like and what colors will flatter you. Because these are pants, this is a whole lot of color in one article of clothing. The colors that are the most “of-the-moment” are light and bright- lemon yellow, neon peach, and cool mint green to name a few. A minty shade would look great on cool skin tones, peach would complement warm tones, and that citrus yellow could work well on nearly anyone. If you’re wary of trying one of these out-there shades, go for a variant of blue like cerulean or sky to ease into the trend.
Fit is absolutely key in working this trend around campus. Jeans today come in a plethora of cuts, from super skinny to bootcut to boyfriend-style. The most modern and chic way to sport your colored denim is in a slim, body-skimming fit. J.Crew really hits home in this category with their latest “Toothpick” jeans cut at “ankle length.” Not really cropped, but not long enough to bunch around your ankles, this style is streamlined and contemporary. Avoid baggy or flared styles; an unexpected color should stand alone, and too much fabric will compete with the look.

Now for my favorite part- how to style your colored jeans! The number one rule is obviously to let the jeans do the talking and keep the rest of your ensemble simple. A button down shirt in crisp cotton or faded chambray is a great juxtaposition to slim, bright denim. Simple ribbed tanks or knit tees in a neutral white, gray, or navy can also be thrown on for a more casual vibe. While the Williamsburg weather remains unpredictable, have a springy jacket like an olive military-style topper or a lightweight blazer to toss on. Shoe-wise, you can wear anything from flats to sandals, but leave the knee-high boots behind (ankle booties, however, are a great winter-to-spring transition shoe with colored jeans). Don’t be afraid to accessorize, either! Add a menswear-style watch, a few rings, or a chunky necklace to finish your outfit.
From the Terrace to Swem, don’t be afraid to rock some vivid denim this spring. With the right color, fit, and styling, this seemingly crazy trend can get a dose of sophistication and be class-ready. Head to the Williamsburg Prime Outlets to get your fix, and, in the words of color queen Kate Spade, live colorfully!

Gabrielle is a senior at the College of William & Mary and is a biology major with a premed focus. She is President of Her Campus W&M for the 2012-2013 school year, and was formerly a writer and Fashion & Beauty Editor. Other than Her Campus Gabrielle is a member of Delta Gamma, the undergrad student representative for one of W&M's college planning committees, and a brand ambassador for British clothing and lifestyle brand Jack Wills. She loves summering in Nantucket and doing her dog's hair, and her guilty pleasure is watching cheeky British reality show The Only Way Is Essex.