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GetFit: TRX Suspension Training

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

Good news fitness freaks! The W&M Rec Center has just installed a TRX Suspension workout station with four TRX cables. Why am I so excited about this? To me, TRX stands for Tight, Ripped and … Xtreme. Okay, just kidding, it actually stands for Total Body Resistance Exercise, but you get my point. TRX was developed by a former Navy SEAL and is used by the military all across the country to build strength, power, flexibility, core strength and balance. The TRX in the Rec Center has two posters on the wall that display arm, back, core and leg workouts and there are two booklets behind the front desk that tell you how to adjust the TRX according to each exercise. It’s a super easy and super effective way to tighten up all over the place. After two weeks of using it, I’ve noticed that my core is more defined and my arm strength has increased. Here’s my upper body/ab workout that I have been doing using the TRX for the last two weeks:

  1. Stairmaster for 20 minutes on Level 15. You should be dripping sweat after this!
  2. Stretch each muscle for at least 20 seconds.
  3. TRX: Repeat for 3 sets.
  4. Chest Press (12)
  5. Bicep Curl (12)
  6. Back Row (12)
  7. Plank (Hold for 30 seconds)
  8. Trunk Twists (10 per side)
  9. Spread Eagles (12)
  10. Pull-Up Machine Upstairs: 3 sets of 12 pull-ups
  11. Dips on the same machine: 3 sets of 12. You can alternate between pull-ups and dips
  12. Wood-Chops (this machine is right behind the Assisted Pull-up Machine). Do 12 on each side for 3 sets.
  13. Swiss Ball Sit-Ups. 3 sets of 25
  14. Leg Flutters: Hold for 30 seconds
  15. Planks on the Bosu Ball: Flip the Bosu Ball over so that your arms are balancing on the black side. Tighten your core and rock back and forth on your toes to make it harder. Hold for 45 seconds!
  16. Alternate the above ab workout to make it into a circuit.
  17. Stretch each muscle for at least 30 seconds.

 I highly recommend incorporating the TRX into your workout routine when it becomes available to everyone! It’s a great, easy way to trim up fast before spring break and will spice up your boring workout routine in every way. See you all in the weightroom!

Health and Fitness Editor and columnist for William & Mary Branch.