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Four [On-Campus] Ways to Relieve Stress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

Our fall semester classes are now in full swing, sorority rushing has come to a close, and we’ve finalized our decisions on which clubs to stay involved in.  Unfortunately for many, this is the moment when the stress starts to set in.  Whether it’s because your unbalanced academic and social lives are battling to overcome one another, or you’re just still adjusting to William and Mary, the stress is inevitable—it wouldn’t be college without it.  Don’t fret my friends: there are ways relieve this stress…right here on campus.

1. Color Me Stress Free (Mondays at 8pm!)
It’s been said that William and Mary has a club to join for almost any interest or purpose—and this is one of them.  Grab some crayons and revert back to childhood, because Color Me Stress Free is the perfect way to take a break from all the stress.  Every Monday night in Tyler Hall, this club meets for some good ‘ol coloring book action, accompanied by nostalgic cartoons from your childhood.  As silly as it may sound, this has got to be one of the best ideas for a student-run club.  I can’t begin to describe the feeling of realizing that the biggest concern of the hour is which picture to color and with what crayons.  The whole idea is just fun and, well, strangely therapeutic.

2. Sweat it out at the Rec Center
If you’re one of those who likes to likes to use physical activity to calm your nerves, then the campus Rec Center is for you.  Whether you prefer to meditate in the sauna, take a stab at the rock wall, hop on some equipment, or even join a zumba class—there are endless ways to take an hour or two and direct your mind elsewhere. (Not to mention, work off some of those “Caf calories” as well! Can you say two birds with one stone?!)
3. Stop and smell the… leaves?
As students at William and Mary, we are incredibly lucky to have the beautiful environment that is campus.  If you appreciate nature, discover your favorite outdoor spot on campus and just take a moment to just enjoy the fresh air.  With Fall finally here, we are right around the corner from cool, crisp breezes and colorful autumn leaves.  Take a stroll through Colonial Williamsburg, or lay out in the Sunken Gardens with a steaming cup of cider.  These are just a few ingredients for a seriously relaxing moment all to yourself: worry-free.
4. Fridays at 5…
Enjoy it while it lasts!  Our campus event staff, Alma Mater Productions (AMP) arranges a live concert on the terrace every Friday night at 5:00pm (when the weather agrees).  Grabbing a bite to eat out on the terrace with some friends while the soothing sound acoustic music fills the air is the perfect way to wind down after a stressful week of classes and exams.  It exudes the ultimate “William and Mary feel”.
So whichever suits you best, at least one of these convenient on-campus remedies should be able to calm you down after a long week of late nights at Swem.
BUT, if for some insane reason none of these options make you feel better, I suggest you go for a big ‘ol slice of chocolate cake at the College Delly.  Because remember,  “STRESSED” is “DESSERTS” spelled backwards. ;)

Good luck!

Kelsey is a junior majoring in Marketing at the College of William and Mary. She is currently involved in a telecommuting internship for Polina Fashion, where she is the PR Assistant in charge of social media. In addition, she is co-president of her school's Student Marketing Association. Kelsey strives to be the change that she wants to see in the world, and is avidly involved in organizations such as Invisible Children, STAND, and Students for Stop Hunger Now. When she finds time to relax, Kelsey loves music and being outdoors, whether at the beach or camping in the mountains. She hopes to travel the world throughout her lifetime and plans to study abroad in Budapest, Hungary this summer. Most importantly, there is nothing that Kelsey adores more than spending quality time with the people she loves.
I'm a fashion-obsessed Business major at William and Mary.   I'm currently studying abroad at the London College of Fashion!  I am the President of HC W&M!  I love the ocean, working out, and extreme couponing.  This summer I interned with Marie Claire in NYC-- my dream internship!   Get to know me more on my fashion/style blog, "All Dolled Up"--->  www.dylanmaureen.blogspot.com