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The FINAL Stretch: No Stress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

As I’m approaching the end of the first semester of my freshman year, I’ve been thinking about a lot of things.  The good times, the not-so-good times, and the simply depressing times all have helped to make the college experience what it has been.  We all at some point go through the stress of taking exams (like now, with finals UGH) or making a wrong decision (going out with friends when you know you should study), but at the end of the day you shouldn’t stress.  There have been so many times when I gave up and really questioned if the college life was for me (after all who doesn’t have doubts sometimes, right!), but what has helped me are these main factors:

  1. Surround yourself with good people: I’ve had my family and friends there to support me as well as I’ve constantly reminded myself of my goals. 
  2. Visualize your future: When you visualize your future, you can better yourself in the present.  Being able to make goals is a big part of making good decisions
  3. Make your personal definition of success: Success is what you make it, and there are different levels of success that each of us will attain.  I know that I will not be a Nobel peace prize winning chemist or a math whiz, but that doesn’t mean I’m not as good as people who are, it just means that I’m different.
  4. Love yourself:   Love who you are on the inside and out because self-acceptance is the first step to accomplishing anything in life.
  5. Live long and prosper: Take some time to enjoy life whether it be going for an afternoon walk or getting snack with friends, but remind yourself of the good things in life.
  6. Know how to have a good time: Have fun within reason, and make sure that you can have that point in the day where you can chill or relax, especially during finals time (it’s a must).  Be silly, read a book, catch up on your favorite show for 30 minutes or so.
  7. Don’t over think it: The best strategy for test taking is to not overthink things.  If you have prepared for a project or test and you know you have, then your gut instinct is your best instinct.
  8. BEST PART: The final stretch is here so just think you will be at home singing Christmas carols and sipping cocoa in a matter of 8 days or less!!  You can do it: NO STRESS!!
I'm a fashion-obsessed Business major at William and Mary.   I'm currently studying abroad at the London College of Fashion!  I am the President of HC W&M!  I love the ocean, working out, and extreme couponing.  This summer I interned with Marie Claire in NYC-- my dream internship!   Get to know me more on my fashion/style blog, "All Dolled Up"--->  www.dylanmaureen.blogspot.com