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Erin Spencer (’14)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

 Erin Spencer

Year: 2014

Hometown: Hereford, Maryland

Major: Marine Biology and Environmental Policy

Activities: Panhellenic Council, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Horseback riding, Sailing team, DSJ Photographer, Undergraduate Research, volunteering at Matthew Whaley Elementary

You recently became scholarship chair for Panhellenic council, as a freshman nonetheless! What made you apply for the position? Panhellenic seemed like the perfect opportunity to get more involved within the Greek system. As a freshman with limited experience in the sorority community, sometimes it’s difficult to find leadership roles. There has definitely been a lot to learn in the position so far, but I’ve been working closely with my advisor and the other members of the exec board. We’ve come up with some pretty exciting ideas for the year, so I can’t wait to see how the semester plays out. And this position will give me valuable experience that I can use in both my chapter as well as elsewhere on campus!

What things do you plan to do differently, and in what ways do you think we could improve sorority life in general on this campus?
I think it’s a very common misconception that the Greek system only cares about the social aspects of fraternity and sorority life. But it is really so much more than formals and date parties. Greeks are everywhere: on service trips, athletic teams, and in leadership positions all over the school. And did you know that last semester the average sorority GPA was higher than the average undergraduate GPA? It’s my goal to show all of W&M how amazing the members of the our sorority community really are.

Ridiculous sorority stereotypes are known on our campus, no matter how untruthful they are. What do you think can the Greek community in general do to counteract that? The only way we can combat stereotypes is if each person makes a conscious effort to abandon them. When an incoming freshman asks about the different sororities, resist the urge to bash other chapters and repeat negative stereotypes. Instead, encourage going Greek and remind them that each chapter is different. Ignore websites like College ACB- it only breeds drama and hostility. At the end of the day, we’re all members of the Greek community, why support anything that undermines that?

So far, what has been your favorite Greek Event, or which one are you most looking forward too? I love taking part in all the different philanthropy events. It’s a way for all my friends from all different chapters to get together for a good cause and a great time. Plus, you get such an awesome collection of t-shirts. Seriously, what’s better than that?

What has been one of your favorite memories on campus so far?
My birthday fell on one of those days in September that it was POURING rain. My hallmates and I played rugby and football in the Sunken Gardens where we were completely soaked and covered in mud and grass. Then we swam the Crim Dell and sat in the mud and bonded until 4am. On a Wednesday. It was hands down one of the best nights so far.

So in terms of everything else you do on campus, from horseback riding, to volunteering, and undergraduate research, anything you will NOT try?
There are SO MANY amazing things to do on this campus. I seriously wish there were another eight hours in a day so I could fit in everything I wanted to do. But to answer your question, no, I can’t think of something I wouldn’t like to try. But there are definitely some things I’d fail miserably if I did. (ex: Syndicate? My dancing is more goofy than actually good. Ultimate Frisbee? Can’t throw a Frisbee to save my life. Oh well.)

You seem to have found the perfect balance between social and academic life, what’s your secret?
My biggest thing is trying to use my time in Swem strictly for homework. A novel idea, I know. But it’s so easy to lose time to Mews, Facebook and group study rooms. If I concentrate in getting my work done in the time I’ve set aside, I actually have time to go out and see friends. It doesn’t always work (I mean, who DOESN’T go on Facebook at least a few times while doing work), but that’s the general idea.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Somewhere exotic. Hopefully, marine biology will take me to a place where the temperature never drops below 65, I’m in shorts year-round, and I get to dive everyday. But then again, I might have to get a real job instead. We’ll see.

Best underrated Williamsburg spot?
The Mermaid Bookstore. If you haven’t been before, you HAVE to go. I love going through the antique books and postcards. I actually found a W&M yearbook from 1920 stuffed in a back corner. Just take an hour or so and browse around- there are lots of antique photos, pins and other miscellaneous things. You’ll need multiple visits to explore everything, so stop back often.

Last question – your freshman hall, what’s been your favorite memory so far?
My friends and I practically live in the guy’s hall downstairs. During orientation, we literally spent hours in their lounge, meeting everyone, making 2am Wawa runs, and sharing our life stories. We’re all still so close, and honestly I spend more time in their hall than I do in mine. Not sketchy at all.