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Dear Freshman Me, From Sophomore Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

Stop worrying. You are going to make friends. And lots of friends. Just became you don’t click with someone the first day doesn’t mean that you never will. You don’t know it yet, but two of the best friends you’ve ever had are on your hall.
Put your tennis shoes on and go to the gym. Going once every two weeks isn’t going to cut it. Remember the muscles you always had from playing sports in high school? Yeah, they are going to disappear. Don’t complain about having too much homework, or it being too cold or too rainy. The rec center is only a 3 minute walk from DuPont. It’ll be worth it, I promise.

No, the first floor of Swem is not the best place to study. You are never going to get any work done if you are constantly talking and people watching. Try the second floor. It might not stop you from talking to everyone that walks by, but you will find it easier to concentrate when you actually have to do work.

Don’t beat yourself up about going out on a random Wednesday night. Academically, it might not be the best idea, but the times you spent with the friends, and the laughs you had will stay with you for a long time.

Ice is the best way to get rid of a hickey. A hickey is never cute, and you need to get rid of it ASAP. Right now. Get rubbing a piece of ice on it til it’s barely noticeable. If this doesn’t work, please use some coverup and wear a scarf. You’ll thank me later.

You are going to miss those hung-over brunches at the Caf. No matter how badly your head ispounding, force yourself out of bed, throw on sweats, put on your glasses, and find your friends. Cracking up about the  hilarity of the previous night, or the horror over seeing the guy you made-out with, will create moments with your friends and hall-mates that help to define your freshman experience.
Trust your instinct. Even with a little alcohol in your system, you know when you feel uncomfortable. Stick with your morals and you won’t have any regrets. I’m proud of you!

It’s okay that you’re taking random classes. So maybe Intro to Tonal Theory or Human Body will have nothing to do with your American Studies major (yeah, that’s the major you end up choosing after having a minor breakdown). But at least you narrowed down your options!

STOP TEXTING WHEN YOU’RE OUT. Seriously. Put your phone down. Nothing good will come of it. You are going to say things that you will regret. Things that aren’t even true. Please. End this habit immediately.
Take hand-written notes in class. You will be distracted by Facebook, email, and the addicting Bubbleshooter. Online shopping during your Psychology class isn’t the best idea either. You won’t learn anything, and your bank account is going to decrease. You will soon find out that your graduation money and what you saved from your summer job doesn’t last very long.
Finally, I want to leave you with one piece of advice.  Time goes by fast. Seniors will graduate in May. New freshmen will come and be the center of attention. Before you know it, it’ll be time for you to declare your major and start applying to Study Abroad programs. Make use of the little time you have at William & Mary. You are going to enjoy every second of it.
Sophomore Me

Lydia is a senior at the College of William & Mary. She is an American Studies major with a Psychology minor.  Lydia is the Editor-in-Chief for Her Campus: William & Mary, maintains an active role in her sorority, and works at a frozen yogurt shop. This summer Lydia was an editorial intern at The Daily Meal in New York City.