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Campus Cutie: Lucas Pickett, 2014

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

Name: Lucas Pickett

Year: 2014

Majors: Hispanic Studies and Linguistics

Hometown: Blacksburg, Virginia

Greatest Accomplishment: Starting and directing a book drive project at my high school that provided a Filipino orphanage with a library.

Activities Around Campus: Alpha Phi Omega, Metal Club, Middle Eastern Student Association, hitting up the bars on karaoke nights.

Talent: I can read in the Cyrillic alphabet and can recognize several different writing systems just by taking a glance at them. I also make really entertaining karaoke performances.

DC or Marvel: I don’t really follow either superhero universe very closely. I’m a big fan of Batman, but don’t pay much attention to Superman or the Flash or the rest of the Justice League. I guess overall I’m a Marvel guy, but Batman by himself trumps all else.

Superpower: I’d really like the ability to fly, or super agility or super speed. An inability to get tired would be excellent, as well, since I would have so much extra time to do things without having to eat or sleep!

Perfect Valentine’s Day Date: Dinner at the Saigon Pearl, a movie at the Kimball, and a nice stroll through Colonial Williamsburg seems pretty good to me.

What I Look for in a Girl: Compassion, a great sense of humor, inquisitiveness, a great smile and laugh, acceptance for long hair on dudes, and a love of heavy metal music. Okay, the last one is nice but not mandatory…still, bonus points if you do.

Something Annoying That Girls Say: Any stereotypical Valley Girl speech gets under my skin rather quickly.

Gabrielle is a senior at the College of William & Mary and is a biology major with a premed focus. She is President of Her Campus W&M for the 2012-2013 school year, and was formerly a writer and Fashion & Beauty Editor. Other than Her Campus Gabrielle is a member of Delta Gamma, the undergrad student representative for one of W&M's college planning committees, and a brand ambassador for British clothing and lifestyle brand Jack Wills. She loves summering in Nantucket and doing her dog's hair, and her guilty pleasure is watching cheeky British reality show The Only Way Is Essex.