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Campus Cutie: Kyle Aldridge ‘16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

Year: 2016

Major: Psychology

Hometown: Chesapeake, VA

What activities are you involved in on campus? Most of my time that doesn’t go into my coursework, and my friends, goes into being the Social Chair for the Ballroom Dance Club and a member of the Swing Dance Club.

Who’s your celebrity crush? Zooey Deschanel

What would your ideal date be like? My ideal date would include sharing good conversation over a cup of coffee or dinner, going to see a play, and maybe going out dancing.

If you had a super power, what would it be? Telekinesis

What fictional character would you most want to meet? Dr. Jekyll


Julia O'Connell is an English major and Linguistics minor at the College of William & Mary. Her love of reading has inspired her to pursue a career in the field of editing and publishing. Aside from reading, her hobbies include ballroom dancing, crafting, and baking with friends.