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Campus Cutie: Frankie Morin ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

Major: Chemistry, minor in theater

Year: 2016

Favorite Movie: Almost Famous-  it has the right amount of sad and hopeful at the same time . It’s a love song for the lost and damned.

Hometown: Cairo. Frankie has also lived in Tel Aviv, Guinea, Azerbaijan, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

If you could have any super power, what would it be? Shape shifting – it’s underrated but super useful. It’s always good to have a shape shifter on your team, but they can be so awesome that it makes it kind of unfair to the other superheroes.

What is would be your ideal date: If it could be anything? Well, there is this park in Poland with a really cute coffee shop with so many wonderful flavors. There are peacocks walking around and an amphitheater nearby. It’s just perfect. Everything about that place was perfect – even the weather. My ideal date would be to spend hours at that coffee shop just talking and enjoying the atmosphere.

Favorite quality in a guy: Independence. He has to be confident in who he is as a person and able to do his own thing.

Why is she a campus cutie? Frankie is a wonderful person, always quick to offer help and a smile. She is an independent vegetarian, with a generous spirit and a passion for eclectic films. With her sassy attitude and infectious laugh, Frankie can cheer up anyone.