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Campus Cutie: Adam Nubbe ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.
What is your major?
What is your hometown?
Falls Church, VA
What do you do around campus?
I’m a Phonathon Supervisor, a member of the Spotswood Society, part of AMP’s Homebrew committee, and a frequent wallower in self-pity. 
What do you love most about William and Mary?
Martin Clunes is always a delight, and William and Mary is an excellent showcase for his charms. Part rom-com, part drama, but above all an exploration of life, death, and everything in between, the show gives Clunes the opportunity to enchant and to devastate. William and Mary couldn’t ask for a stronger emotional core.
What do you think is the most romantic spot on campus?
The Caf dish return area.
Who is your dream Celebrity Crush?
I feel like John Cena could very effectively crush me. 
What is your awkwardest date story?
I once confused a date for a fig. To this day, I haven’t recovered from the embarrassment. 
What is one dating tip you would give to (fellow) TWAMPs?
Although the American dating standard follows the MM/DD/YY format, in Europe and many other parts of the world, dates are displayed as DD/MM/YY. To avoid confusion abroad, keep this mind and you won’t arrive for an April 5 meeting on May 4. 
What is your best pick up line?
Born and raised in Southern California. Loving the East Coast.