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Campus Celebrity: Lindsay Bouchard ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

Name: Lindsay Bouchard

Year: Senior

Hometown: Zurich, Switzerland

Majors: Double majoring in Theatre and Sociology

Activities on Campus: William and Mary theatre, Swemaromas regular

Describe Yourself in Three Words: plucky red panda

What is Your Go-To Starbucks Order? Decaf chai with soy milk 

What Is Your Spirit Animal and Why? Red panda because they’re either super hyper or they just sleep. There is no in between.

What’s Your Favorite Part of William and Mary? The amazing people I’ve gotten to meet. Everyone is so passionate about something. 

How did you get involved with theatre? I don’t remember, you’d have to ask my mom. 

What advice would you give to students who want to get involved with the theatre community at W&M?  Don’t be afraid to dive in. Take the risk and sign up for an audition or tech position!

What Is One Thing On Your Bucket List? To sky dive.

What is One Piece of Advice You Have For Freshman (or anyone)?  Being cool is vastly overrated.

If You Were President of the College for a Day, What Would You Do? Free candy from the Sexchange (Student Exchange) for everyone 

What is Someone Would Be Surprised to Learn About You? I can have (basic) conversations in Nepali. 

See Lindsay perform in Baskerville from April 20th-23rd!

Phoebe is a senior at W&M double majoring in economics and classical civilization. When not writing articles, she can be found streaming Netflix, watching her beloved Washington Wizards, and finding ways to procrastinate on things that actually need to get done.