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8 Things You Can Do in Williamsburg Over Fall Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.


Nothing is worse than the anticipation of Fall Break and the alleviation from all of the stress and chaos of midterms, only to be stuck in a bore with nothing to do while all your friends are gone. Fall Break should be something to look forward to! If you find yourself in a slump, and at a loss for ideas of things to do, here are some cool ideas of things to keep yourself busy and to help you enjoy yourself:

1. Shopping Spree

After all of the hard work and studying from the first half of the semester, you deserve to treat yourself. It is perfectly acceptable to reward yourself for all of your efforts, so don’t hesitate to buy yourself a little something as a “pick-me-up.” Plus, the seasons are changing, and you might be in need of some fashionable, warmer apparel, such as jeans, boots or vests. Take advantage of the outlets; there are always great deals at different stores, all you have to do is shop around for them!

2. Spa Day

After I get put through the ringer with midterms, I always find myself in need of some serious pampering. I have knots and tension in my neck and shoulders, and I’m pretty bent out of shape. It is times like these when I love to go to get my nails done. The Nail Salon on Monticello, near Rita’s and Subway, has great prices and they do an awesome job! Maybe you’re in need of a massage? If so, check out Serenity Spa in Williamsburg! They have an introductory 30-min Swedish massage for first-timers for only $19.99! They also have reasonable spa packages that combine facials, massages and nail treatments!

3. Movie Marathon

It is the norm for William and Mary students to have busy and hectic schedules, often with limited downtime for relaxing. Take a personal day and dedicate it to a movie marathon on Netflix, or you can even catch up on missed TV episodes/watch an entire season of a show. You can also take advantage of the student discounts at the local theaters and go see a newly released movie.

4. Williamsburg Winery

If you are 21, going to the Winery is a MUST, at least at some point during your undergraduate career. If you bring your Student ID, in addition to your Driver’s License of course, you get to do a free tasting AND you get to keep your classy wine glass! With the leaves and greenery changing, it could not be a more beautiful time to take in the beauty of the fall season at the stunning vineyard.

5. Trails and/or Kayaking

Fall is the prime season for exploring nature! Go walking, hiking, or running along one of the many trails near campus or rent a kayak, for FREE, through the Kinesiology Department and admire the peacefulness Lake Matoaka and campus.

6. Local “Beaches”

Head to the Williamsburg Ferry or Jamestown Beach, even though temperatures are cooling. The beaches will most likely have low-traffic, so you will have the beaches pretty much all to yourself. The peace and quiet of the setting will be a great way to mentally get recharged.

7. Colonial Williamsburg

You probably do not have tons of free time to roam around and explore Colonial Williamsburg often, but it is worth dedicating an afternoon to the local restaurants and shops. Wythe’s Candy Shop, the Peanut Shop, Aroma’s, Cheese Shop, and Baskin Robbins are just some of the many fun places to check out! Also, there is always the Farmer’s Market that is open on Saturday mornings, which always has good food and items to buy!

8. Be a BUM

It is more than okay to simply do nothing! You have probably been running yourself ragged for over a month. Take this time to catch up on sleep, not do any work, and give yourself time to recuperate! You owe that to yourself, for at least part of the break!

Use these suggestions as motivation to power through this next week. Between all of these cool ideas, there is no reason to not look forward to Fall Break! 


(photo credit: flickr/Corvair Owner)