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7 Date Ideas for the Busy TWAMP

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

Here at William & Mary, one of the biggest reasons I hear for being single is that people simply don’t have time for a relationship. Many students have a full load of courses, hold leadership positions in extracurricular activities, and may even work a part-time job. Most days it can seem like a challenge just to balance all of these activities, in addition to eating and sleeping. It’s hard to imagine trying to find time to date on top of that! But socializing and forming relationships are important parts of college too.

Don’t let your busy schedule hold you back!  Dating doesn’t have to be time-consuming and stressful. Here are a few ideas for what you can do with your significant other when your time is limited:

1. Go on a short, scenic walk

You may not have time for a long walk on the beach, but a short stroll through campus can be just as romantic. William & Mary has several scenic paths — try walking down by Lake Matoaka, exploring the various flower gardens around campus, or venturing off campus to wander around Colonial Williamsburg. You can tailor the length of your walk to suit your amount of free time.

2. Go out for coffee

Maybe you don’t have time to sit down for an elaborate dinner at a fancy restaurant, but if you still want to go out, why not meet up for a twenty-minute coffee date? Stay on campus and got to the Grind, or make your way over to Aroma’s. Settle down with a nice coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, and talk to each other about your day.

3. Go on a cider run, or explore Colonial Williamsburg

Take advantage of the area we live in! If you buy a cider mug from one of the cider stands in Colonial Williamsburg, you can get free cider for the rest of the year. Go with your significant other to get your mugs together, and then plan regular trips to take a walk into CW to get cider during your study breaks. If you’ve got a little more free time, walk through CW a bit, watch some re-enactors, and say hi to the horses!

4. Study together

I know, nothing sounds less romantic than studying. But if you’re going to spend all day studying anyway, you might as well do it together. Studying with another person can help you motivate each other to stay on task and not get distracted. And if you happen to distract each other, well, you’re entitled to some study breaks . . .

5. Watch a 20-minute Netflix show together

Perfect for a short study break! Get some laughs in together with Parks and Rec, or bond over your mutual nostalgia for childhood cartoons.

6. Play a game of pool

Got a competitive streak? Challenge each other to a quick game of pool in Lodge 1. Or play as a team and invite another couple to play against you.

7. Take a nap together

Sometimes, when you finally have a moment of free time, all you want to do is curl up in your warm, inviting bed and take a nap. It can be a tough call, choosing between your significant other and your bed. So why choose? Most likely, your s/o is just as exhausted and worn out as you are. Grab some blankets, cuddle up, and catch some Z’s together.


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Julia O'Connell is an English major and Linguistics minor at the College of William & Mary. Her love of reading has inspired her to pursue a career in the field of editing and publishing. Aside from reading, her hobbies include ballroom dancing, crafting, and baking with friends.