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10 Things To Do on a Sunny Day in Williamsburg

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

The sun has finally come out! The clocks have moved forward! Things here in the beautiful city of Williamsburg are going to hit their high point of beauty! So how do you take advantage of this gorgeous time of year? Well, we’ve got some ideas….

  1. Picnic in the Sunken Garden. With friends or with a date, picnicking is fun, sweet, and not too pricey. Pack lunches or get take out and drinks and head to the Sunken Gardens, Crim Dell Meadow, or otherwise sunny, flat area. Take an old blanket, a few beach towels, or even a cheap plastic table cloth to sit on. Dress in cute outfits, as this is a primo facebook photo-op.
  2. Explore Colonial Williamsburg! If you haven’t already, head to the Lumber Office in CW to get your free collegiate pass that gets you free use of CW buses as well as discounts to shows, free admission, and even discounts for family members. There are tons of things to see, and you can even eat coffee brewed the way it would have been brewed in Colonial times! Not to mention, if you or your current crush are history fans, it could be even more fun!
  3. Soak up some sun! Sometimes, there’s nothing better than laying out on a beach towel in your bathing suit, putting on some sunscreen, and reading a good book. Remember to reapply that sunscreen! And don’t fall asleep! You will surely regret it.
  4. Paint your toenails with the girls. Now that people are going to see them,there’s definitely good reason to pretty up your little piggies. Maybe do a spa day indoors to prep for a fun day out—in sandals of course!

  5. Hit the Outlet Mall!
    There are a couple of outlet malls in Williamsburg that aren’t very far and only a bus ride away! Have a fun shopping day and enjoy the lower prices of the outlets and stock up on warm weather essentials.
  6. Hang out by Lake Mataoka. There are a few docks on Lake Mataoka, and if those are too crowded or unavailable, there are plenty of trails along the water that have a few nice spots where you can just sit and look at the water. It’s great for meditation, or to hang out with a friend.
  7. Take photos. Our campus is seriously gorgeous—how can you not want to take photos? Whether you’re photographing the scenery, architecture, or you and your friends having a blast, this is definitely the right weather for you to turn into a shutterbug!
  8. Hang out on the lawn at Sadler—or the Sunken Garden, or Crim Dell Meadow, or in a tree! Doodle, write, whatever. Then engage in chatter with people you know who walk by. It’s a great way to see people you don’t usually make time to see, and what other way to seem effortlessly cool than by hanging out on the grass, drawing pictures or writing poetry? Our, maybe you’re writing your shopping list for your next Target run—but they’ll never have to know…
  9. Frisbee! It often takes over the Sunken Garden or
     Barksdale Field, and it’s fun and easy. It’s a great way to get active outside with literally no athletic skills necessary outside of basic depth perception. There are tons of games from IM soccer to capture the flag that you can play too. Kick it elementary school and play an old fashioned game of kickball with your friends or your dormmates!
  10. Three Words: Water Balloon Fight*. Note: Please involve only consenting parties. Many people don’t take kindly to unexpected watery assault, especially if it affects their cell phones, iPods, hair, books, or laptops. Also, a makeup advisory—you may be in trouble if you participate without taking off make up—especially if your mascara isn’t waterproof.
Harper is a junior at the College of William and Mary, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Marketing. A DC-Area native, she serves as Co-President at Her Campus William and Mary. She spends her summers interning in Marketing. This past summer was spent in New York City working at OppenheimerFunds as a Digital Strategy Intern, and the year before at Gannett working as a Marketing and Promotions Intern in the Social Commerce Division. She hopes to slowly accomplish a few things on her list of ridiculous dreams including hugging a walrus and voicing a named Disney character in a movie.Blog || LinkedIn || Twitter
I'm a fashion-obsessed Business major at William and Mary.   I'm currently studying abroad at the London College of Fashion!  I am the President of HC W&M!  I love the ocean, working out, and extreme couponing.  This summer I interned with Marie Claire in NYC-- my dream internship!   Get to know me more on my fashion/style blog, "All Dolled Up"--->  www.dylanmaureen.blogspot.com