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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

What does it mean to be sexy? Many think that definition revolves around a pretty face or an athletic physique. But I truly think it’s limits go much further beyond the skin. I think being sexy is about something inside, something more passionate than any external facade. It’s about utilizing your full potential and making a difference with it.

This year brings in a new presidential election (like every four years does), and it’s filled with fresh candidates. What better way to make a difference than by casting your vote? By voting you’re given a chance to prove something. It’s a ferocious roar for all women, caused by one simple x on a ballot. It’s a powerful stomp on top of gender inequality boarders. It’s a yell into a dark room that turns on all of the lights. 

By voting you are being the sexiest version of yourself that there can be, by only using something internal.

Sexy is smart. Become someone with the tools to form opinions and hold a firm stand in this world. You’ll be unstoppable. By informing yourself you are gaining the knowledge it takes to change the world. To be a woman that can say, “I know what I want,” is to be a woman with a brain. 

Sexy is brave. Dare to have an opinion. Ignoring those that try to forcefully shape your mind helps build it to your own standard. Knowing how to stand strong against the popular view is how you become an individual. To be a woman that can say, “I can do this on my own,” is to be a woman with strength.

Sexy is powerful. Convict your thoughts into actions. Take whatever you may be feeling and put it out into the world, using your voice to make it loud enough to hear. Taking control over your own life is a great way to make sure it ends up the way you want it. To be a woman that can say, “I am in charge,” is to be a woman who believes in herself.

Sexy is caring. Notice turmoil and try to change it. Getting a say in your future is caring about your future. Showing that you’re interested in making something better is an extraordinary desire. To be a woman that can say, “I want to help,” is to be a woman with compassion. 

Sexy is appreciation. Understand that you have an honor that wasn’t always yours. It took years to get to this point. Group by group, person by person, fight by fight. To be a woman that can say, “I won’t take anything for granted,” is to be a woman with respect.

Being sexy is not about the way you look, and whoever keeps telling you that is irrefutably wrong. Being sexy is having knowledge, and courage, and self-empowerment, and love and appreciation. 

And voting. Voting is all of these things, and then some. 

So when you’re in your room, or in the park or at that coffee shop thinking to yourself, “Should I vote this year?” Think of all the reasons why you should. Think of the strength, and courage, and knowledge, and appreciation and heart it will bring you. Think about how empowered you’ll feel knowing you played your small but monumental part. Think about that time when you looked into the mirror and asked yourself, “Am I sexy?” Then, think about stepping out of the voters box and feeling that rush of diversity and complexity as a human being. Then, remember that those qualities are sexy. Any woman who votes is smart, and brave, and powerful, and caring and appreciative. And any woman who is any of those is sexy. 

Inform yourself and go vote to make a difference in the world and in yourself.

Olivia is an adventurous sophomore at UW-Madison! She's pursuing two degrees in both journalism and mass communication, as well as literature. Olivia's favorite things about being a Badger is the school spirit, and the ability to always have something new to explore on campus. You can catch her at the Union or a coffee shop on the weekends with her friends!
Madison is a senior at the University of Wisconsin pursuing a major in English Literature with minors in Entrepreneurship and Digital Media Studies. Post college, Madison plans to complete her dreams of being the next Anna Wintour. In her free time, Madison enjoys listening to Eric Hutchinson, eating dark chocolate, and FaceTiming her puppies back home. When she isn't online shopping, or watching YouTube bloggers (ie Fleur DeForce), Madison loves exploring the vast UW Campus and all it has to offer! She is very excited to take this next step in her collegiette career as Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief for HC Wisco. On Wisconsin!