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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

The birds are chirping, the sun is out, and sometimes there’s a rainbow after a rainshower- what’s not to love?

Living in Wisconsin, you experience all four seasons in their most dramatic forms. Of all the seasons, I firmly believe that springtime is the best for multiple reasons.

1. It’s nice to walk outside.

During winter, you have to plan extra time for yourself to walk to class and work. If the sidewalks are dangerously slippery or full of snow, you have to walk slowly so you don’t hurt yourself. During the summer, it’s often too hot for a leisurely stroll. And during the fall, the weather sometimes feels too variable so you can’t quite figure out the right thing to wear before leaving your place. You’re either too hot or too cold because the weather can’t make up its mind. But, springtime is the perfect time for a walk. I’ve noticed that a tee, a cardigan, and a pair of jeans will do for nearly every day. 

2. Your wardrobe expands.

Once the winter season is over, you don’t need to constantly bundle up. You can start wearing your favorite short-sleeved shirts. You also don’t need to wear winter boots everywhere anymore. This allows you to wear shoes that you normally wouldn’t wear with slush on the roads. Additionally, it’s not sweltering hot yet so you can wear a cardigan or long pants comfortably.

3. It doesn’t get dark as early. 

As the days get longer, you have more energy. During the winter, my motivation to finish homework stops when it gets dark out around 4 PM. In spring, you can stay up longer and finish more tasks without feeling tired. 

4. You can open up your windows.

I’m very excited to get some fresh, crisp outdoor air into my apartment which has been closed up all winter. During winter, it’s too cold to crack open a window. During summer, it’s just too hot. It’s okay during the fall, but it feels the best during the spring.

5. Plants are in bloom.

Although I deal with awful seasonal allergies, it’s amazing to watch leaves form on the trees and flowers pop up from the ground. It’s a nice change from the long months of coldness, bare trees, and bare lawns.

Springtime is a wonderful time of the year. Here’s to hoping that Wisconsin gives us a nice, normal spring without any blizzards or sweltering temperatures. 

Justice Moore

Wisconsin '23

Hello there! My name is Justice. I am a second-year student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I'm majoring in English and Legal Studies with certifications in Criminal Justice and Gender and Women's Studies. In my free time, I enjoy baking and taking walks outside.