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Why I Miss My Car

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

As much as I appreciate the daily calorie burns walking to and from classes, I cannot help but miss my car. I thought I might feel relieved once I came to college without having to worry about the expenses of a vehicle, but, I think everyone can agree having a car would make life so much better. Here are some reasons why I miss my car:

1.      No matter the distance, I can go anywhere I want anytime I want.

2.      Too hot out? Too cold out? Crank up the AC or heat and I’ll get wherever I need to go without passing out or freezing to death.

3.      Blasting the radio always puts me in a better mood.

4.      I can basically make my own schedule because I never have to worry about long walking distances or running to catch a bus.

5.      I’ll be honest. I look so much cooler when I’m driving my car.

6.      Driving with my friends is always a good time in itself.

Unfortunately, being so far away from home, I’m not able to bring my car here to campus. I survive without it but I definitely miss it. Only a week or so left until Thanksgiving and I’m finally reunited with my car! Hopefully I will remember how to drive…