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What I Will and Won’t Miss About Madison When I Go Abroad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Controversial Takes You May Disagree With

This coming spring semester, I am fortunate enough to be able to study abroad. For four months, I will study in Florence, Italy, to embark on travel excursions and adopt a new lifestyle. While I will miss Madison and the familiarity that I have in this city, I am extremely excited about what I am in for. However, there are parts to Madison that I definitely won’t miss, as Italy and other European countries will present new opportunities and experiences. 

One thing I won’t miss about Madison is the freezing cold winter. Being bundled up from head to toe on the way to class and being able to see my breath is not ideal weather for me. Getting to class with my face numb from the windchill is not optimal. While Italy may not be that warm at first, the winter weather there will not compare to the below-freezing temperatures in Madison. 

Even though the weather is something I am not going to be too upset to miss, something that I will miss that goes hand-in-hand with the cold temperatures is the lake freezing over. Being able to walk on the lake and hang out with friends is truly an individualized benefit and experience for this school.

Some people may argue with me on this one, but the food in Madison is not my favorite. I am beyond sick of the options and constantly have long debates about what to eat and where. However, I am extremely excited about the food in Italy, especially the endless options of Italian food and being able to expand my palate and try new things.

Overall, what I will miss most about Madison is being comfortable and surrounded by all my friends. However, I know that immersing myself in a new setting will be an eye-opening experience, and I am truly lucky to have such opportunities. When I first arrive, I will be nervous and unsettled, but as time goes on, I know I will become more comfortable and make new friendships that will last a lifetime. 

Hi, I'm Rebecca, a junior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison studying strategic communications and pursuing a certificate in digital studies. I am excited to be a part of the Her Campus team and share my writing with everyone!