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Waste with Taste: 5 Wonderful Ways to Reduce Your Waste

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

How many K-cups have you used this week? How many banana peels have you thrown away today? How many times do you forget to turn the lights off when leaving a room?

Don’t worry if you answered “a ton” for at least one (or all) of these questions — you aren’t alone. All of us college students are guilty of these thoughtless acts, and we all have relatively good reasons for doing so. We forget, it isn’t convenient, and it’s time-consuming. As we venture deeper into the semester, the college days only grow longer and more difficult. We may find ourselves neglecting Mother Nature. However, now is the time to start retraining yourself so that you can give Mother Nature a loving hug.   


1. Unplug

Before you take on the day (or night), make sure you’ve unplugged all of your unused chargers, wires and hanging lights. Although these are relatively minute energy wasters, it’s something we can all easily try to change.


2. Reusable Coffee Cups

Yes, you’ve probably already made the switch from plastic water bottles to reusable ones, but don’t forget about your coffee cups. Disposable coffee cups aren’t natural, which means Mother Nature will need to work hard to decompose it — it usually takes 20 years! By making this change, you can let Mother Nature tend to her many other obligations. In addition, most coffee shops reward reusable coffee cup users with a discount.


3. Compost Container

Fruit and vegetables are a great way not only to love your body but also to love our earth — take advantage of those wastage to create natural fertilizers. However, this only works if we properly dispose of them. By establishing a designated compost bin in your home, you can allow food to complete its life cycle. Also, you can carry a small container around in your backpack for the times that a compost bin isn’t available.


4. Reusable K-Cups

K-cups create a one-and-done system, which is simple for us students but more than complicated for Mother Nature. Instead of buying boxes of individual k-cups, you can purchase reusable k-cups and grounded coffee beans or tea leaves. This substitution not only helps Mother Nature but also your bank account.


5. Diva Cup

Diva cups are reusable menstruation cups. This can be intimidating, but our monthly waste is a six-month-long annoyance for Mother Nature. Furthermore, this transition ends up saving you money. Its initial price is $50, but, if used and cleaned properly, it lasts ten years.


When Mother Nature’s cries, we must not ignore her — we must be her voice. In the midst of environmental crises, we may sometimes forget the power of our own agency. By retraining our mindless waste-generating habits, we’re actively standing up for Mother Nature. In doing so, others will surely join too!

Elizabeth Parker is a freshman at the University of Wisconsin- Madison. Although her academic path is ambiguous, she is passionate about education, films, and self-love. You can find her reading a book at the Olbrich Madison Botanical Gardens or practicing yoga in her free time. Elizabeth enjoys spending time with friends, playing card games, and learning new things. Elizabeth hopes to educate her viewers with valuable information whether it be from savvy saving techniques to the best films for your lazy Sundays. You can follow Elizabeth's ever-changing college experience through her Instagram! (@lyzzi_parker)
Hannah, originally from Milwaukee, WI is a Campus Correspondent for HC Wisconsin.  Hannah is a Senior and is studying Political Science and Psychology.  She aspires to work in health policy and will run for office one day.  She is never seen without a cup of coffee in hand and loves to eat any food in sight, especially sushi.  Outside of school, Hannah frequents Badger sporting events and likes to hang out with her friends on the weekends finding new things to do and new places to eat.  Hannah also runs her own Mary Kay business and is obsessed with keeping up with the latest makeup trends! This will be her seventh semester on the Her Campus team, and she loves the org more and more each semester!  It is Hannah's favorite thing that she is involved in on campus and highly recommends anyone with an interest in writing, journalism, or blogging to get involved, you won't regret it! On Wisconsin!!