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Top Three Shows to Watch in One Sitting

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Okay, maybe not one sitting, but these are a series of shows you can watch over the summer for 24/7 entertainment. Summer is quickly approaching, it’s maybe even here already for the lucky ones, and soon we will be living a care-free life without the stresses of test, papers, due dates and those finals that snuck up on us ever so quickly. When you need a break from all of the “stresses” that partying, laying in the sun and being with your friends can cause, there is truly nothing better than laying in your bed, curling up and watching an episode (or an entire season) of a new show. My summers and breaks are always my time to watch a series that I’ve been meaning to follow, so here are a few of my favorites you can turn to this summer.

There is nothing better than “Sex and The City” for girls, so it was only inevitable that the same type of show would be created for guys. What’s most surprising is that it is entertaining for girls, too. The show is set in LA and follows the life of four guys, one of which is a major celebrity (and majorly gorgeous). If you’re looking for a racy show, to laugh, or just want to stare at the beautiful Adrian Grenier…turn to “Entourage.”

“Grey’s Anatomy”
If you want to watch a dramatic show, this is the one for you. Nothing is better than following the love lives of doctors and nurses while they try to save people’s lives. I watched all six seasons of Grey’s in one three-week winter break, so I promise you it is the perfect addiction to take on. Your first look at McSteamy and McDreamy will keep your eyes pealed to the screen until you’re back watching reruns.

“Jersey Shore”
The “Jersey Shore” fanatic ranges from the person who MUST tune in every single Thursday night to those that watch it sparingly if it’s on. Everyone knows about the drama of Sammie and Ron, and Snookie’s spray tan and poof must-haves, but to actually sit down and watch from start to finish is a real chance to laugh. If you’re looking to just laugh at how ridiculous a group of individuals in one house can be, definitely watch “Jersey Shore.”

If you lost your attention span back when you began studying for finals, you can always go back to the classics and watch reruns. “Friends” and “Sex and the City” are always classics. And if you want to stoop so low as to watch my personal favorites “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” and “The Hills,” then by all means go for it. After all, it’s summer, and anything goes.