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Top Ten Best Procrastination Websites

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


With finals week quickly creeping up on us, we all know what we’re in store for: tears, anger, happiness, relief, stress…so pretty much every possible emotion known to man. As a result of all of the emotion overload, we’re all surely going to be in some serious need of “study break” websites that aren’t Pinterest, Facebook, or Twitter. So here is an interesting list of bizarre and hilarious websites that will keep you busy while your brain is in the process of being fried. Be careful though – some of these will hold your attention for hours.

  1. Wanelo.com – Wanelo is just like Pinterest, but more dangerous. This beautiful creation of a website directly brings you a way to buy whatever item you’re looking at – right then and there. So that adorable dress you just spotted can become yours with virtually one click.
  2. Collegehumor.com – This ridiculous website is obvious directed at college students who are looking for every reason not to study. It provides you with the most random collection of videos, pictures, and articles that, no doubt, make you laugh. Whether it’s “20 Reasons We’re Thankful for Alcohol” or “What You’re Saying with Your Haircut”, the site is bound to keep you reading or watching for hours.
  3. Sporcle.com – Welcome to the mecca of excuses why you can’t possibly continue to do your homework. On Sporcle, you can quiz yourself on pointless bullshit you’ll never actually need to know. Have a ball!
  4. Brobible.com – What girl wouldn’t want to learn more about the complete ridiculousness that goes through a guy’s mind?
  5. Addictinggames.com – Let’s take a trip back to like fifth grade and play ridiculous games. My personal favorite is definitely Parking Lot. Check it out.
  6. Fmylife.com – What a beautiful way to make yourself feel better about your life.
  7. Howdoiputthisgently.tumblr.com – Whoever made this blog deserves a damn medal or something. This blog provides bored…or really busy…college students with endless hours of blog surfing to find GIFs that speak their life stories.
  8. Stumbleupon.com – While it’s kind of older, StumbleUpon helps you find the most random assortment of articles, videos, pictures – you name it. Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT download an app for this. You’ll never pay attention in lecture again.
  9. WebMD.com – Feel free to diagnose yourself with every form of disease known to man and convince yourself you’re going to die – happens to the best of us.
  10. Awkwardfamilyphotos.com – This absurd website is dedicated to just what it says – awkward family photos. It makes you question what the hell some parents were thinking when they decided to take some photos. 
I'm a sophomore at the oh-so-lovely University of Wisconsin-Madison, which obviously means I'm a die-hard Badger fan. I will be studying Strategic Communications through the UW Journalism School and hope to work for an advertising agency in a few short years. I live and breathe Chicago sports - Bulls above everything - and have an insane obsession with animals. My favorite song in the whole wide world is without a doubt "Even If It Breaks Your Heart" by Eli Young Band. "Some dreams keep on gettin' better, gotta keep believin' if you wanna know for sure."
Becca Bahrke is a junior at the University of Wisconsin- Madison majoring in Retailing and minoring in Entrepreneurship and Gender & Women Studies. Becca is currently the CC/EIC of Her Campus- Wisconsin, and will continue writing news. Becca's primary hobby is blogging on her tumblr http://beccahasnothingtowear.tumblr.com