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Things to do on a snow(y) day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

This post couldn’t be further from the topics I usually stick to (boys, gossip, boys, boys), but it’s been snowing for the past 7 hours so…c’est la vie. I should also clarify that it is indeed just a snow(y) day, because apparently Sconnies just don’t do actual snow days. Despite the fact that there are a solid 10 inches of snow on the ground –enough to throw the East Coast into a frenzy and effectively glue them to their television sets to watch news specials for tips to survive BLIZZARD 2K12 – the nine-year-old boy I babysit has informed me that school will not be cancelled unless there are 22 feet of snow on the ground. Something tells me his measurements are somewhat off, but you get the picture.
ANYWHO, I’ve decided this would be the perfect opportunity to outline some perfect snow day-ish activities, for your convenience of course. Disclaimer: I have not yet done any of these activities.

1. Curl up in bed and watch an entire season of Happy Endings. Easily the funniest show on television right now, and since I am an esteemed and well-respected television critic, that is saying a lot. A-mAH-zing. Watch the show and you will understand that hilarious inside joke.

2. Make some break-and-bake cookies. They are quick AND delicious! If such an item is not easily accessible, though, make some microwavable popcorn. And hot tea. Always hot tea.

3. Like #1, but with a twist. Stay in bed, but this time bury yourself in weeks-old gossip magazines and catch up on celeb news that may or may not be completely exaggerated. This activity easily kills at least an hour.

4. Watch the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I’m not sure why, but every time it snows I feel an overwhelming urge to watch this fine, fine film. This probably relates to a personal, deeply-embedded childhood tradish, but regardless, it makes the list.

5. Go sledding. This is only for the active and extremely ambitious — as I often find, once I am in bed it is impossible to get out (an object at rest will stay at rest, blah blah blah). But it ain’t a bad idea, and is even an item on our Senior Year Bucky List (get it?!). It’s also a great excuse to come home and make yourself a giant mug of hot chocolate with extra marshmallows. So yeah, pretty worth it.