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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Unwind from the anxiety of the day with these four simple tricks!

The night can easily be one of the most stressful times of the day. With reliving all of the interactions you recently had and anticipating the stresses for tomorrow, our minds can feel trapped in an endless cycle. Although this night-time issue seems to be common, it doesn’t have to be. Ahead, I will share four ways you can get your mind and body to relax before bed to induce a better night’s sleep. 

Make a Bedtime Playlist

Music is one of those things that can often be a mood changer in any scenario. Whether you prefer winding down with meditation music or some classic lofi, it’s always nice to have a quick and simple way to relax your mind from overstimulation. 

Grab your Journal

Connecting with yourself through writing is a great way to release any emotions you’ve been holding onto throughout the day. Keeping a journal on your night stand allows for quick and easy release of any built tension right before you doze off.

Plan your Morning 

I think a lot of us can agree that what keeps us up at night is what tomorrow holds. Sometimes all we need is something to look forward to in the morning. Start by planning the beginning of your day with an activity that excites you. Whether that be a walk, run, or making a delicious new recipe, planning something to look forward to can cancel out some of the foreseen stressors of the day.

Wash your Sheets

Lastly, one of my favorite ways to feel good before sleeping is to hop into a bed full of clean sheets. Dozing off on warm, freshly washed sheets not only makes you clean, but doing laundry can also help distract you from a busy mind.

With our minds constantly consumed with stress from school, life, and our phones, we often can have a hard time winding down for bed. Whether you prefer journaling or listening to some calming music, spending time relaxing our minds can not only improve our sleep but also our overall day.