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Senior Sendoff: The Final Game Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


We’ve known it was coming since we first stepped foot in Camp Randall on September 11, 2010. Each year come November, we watched seniors celebrate their last Game Day with heavy hearts, happy that it wasn’t us. With four incredible seasons of Badger football under our belts, Saturday will mark the last Game Day for many seniors, since the actual last home game falls on Thanksgiving this year. Next time we return to Camp Randall to cheer on the Badgers, we will be Wisconsin alumni. We’ll be those post-college people telling the freshmen not to take a single second for granted and reminiscing about what Madison was like in our day. 

Seniors, put away that box of tissues, forget about graduation, and set those job applications aside. Here’s 8 ways to ensure that you have the best last Game Day ever:

1. Wake Up Early

Don’t even think about staying in Friday night to conserve your energy for Saturday. Nothing screams Wisconsin more then curing a hangover by starting the morning off with even more alcohol. Set your alarm for an ungodly time and start Game Day right by blasting your favorite pump up songs (Taylor Swift anyone?) loud enough to wake up the entire block.

2. Go All Out

Game Day is the only time when it’s socially acceptable to run around in red footie pajamas. Put on every item of red clothing that you own and wear your Badger colors with pride, this is not the time to hold back. Slap on a Bucky sticker, or 10, break out those red and white beads, and don’t forget some winter accessories to keep you warm!

3. Make An Appearance Everywhere

Here’s where waking up super early comes in handy. This Saturday, hit up multiple tailgates and bars before heading to the game. Pretend you’re a freshman again and roam Langdon, bouncing from frat party to frat party. Then head over to your favorite Game Day bar (I’m partial to The KK) to indulge in the next item on this list.

4. Eat Your Favorite Bar Food

There’s nothing better then a basket of chicken fingers and French fries on Game Day, except maybe if they’re accompanied by cheese curds. We could all use a few extra pounds to keep us warm when Wisconsin becomes the Arctic tundra, so treat yourself to your favorite fried food this Game Day, guilt-free. In a few years, your body won’t be able to handle a weekend at Wisconsin, so take advantage of it while you still can!

5. Actually Go To The Game

As a senior, we’re all guilty of missing at least one game because we were having a little too much fun tailgating or simply needed some extra cash and scalped our ticket. Since Saturday is likely our last home game as students, it is absolutely necessary to make it to the game. Arrive at the stadium in a somewhat timely manner and come prepared to stay until the end.


6. Cheer Your Heart Out

Enjoy everything about the Wisconsin student section. Jump around, scream every chant, and sing ‘Buttercup’ at the top of your lungs. You may not have a voice come Monday, but anything is worth it in the name of Game Day, right?

7. Stay For Fifth Quarter

Okay, I have a confession to make. I’ve never witnessed the marching band’s famous Fifth Quarter, so this Saturday, my goal is to bear the cold and stay as long as possible. Hold on to the spirit of Camp Randall a little longer and join the Wisconsin Marching Band for ‘On, Wisconsin’ and some other fan favorites. 

8. Recover

One of my favorite things about Game Day is that once the game ends, not matter the time, it is acceptable to spend the next few (or many) hours on the couch recovering. The minute I get home from a game, I immediately put on my comfiest clothes and snuggle up on the couch where I’m likely to spend the remainder of the day watching Law and Order: SVU. Sitting on the couch for hours on end will no longer be acceptable after graduation, so seize the opportunity to do so whenever possible.

However you choose to spend your final Game Day, make it a memorable one. One of the reasons people fall in love with University of Wisconsin is our school spirit. There’s something amazing about waking up on Saturday mornings to the entire city flooded with fans dressed in Badger red. Seniors, spend this last Game Day soaking up all the Wisconsin traditions that allow us to brag about having one of the best game days in the country year after year. But remember, Madison will always be here to welcome us back to Camp Randall as alumni (I’m starting to fear that word). Happy Game Day!

Becca Bahrke is a junior at the University of Wisconsin- Madison majoring in Retailing and minoring in Entrepreneurship and Gender & Women Studies. Becca is currently the CC/EIC of Her Campus- Wisconsin, and will continue writing news. Becca's primary hobby is blogging on her tumblr http://beccahasnothingtowear.tumblr.com