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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

fall activities to schedule into your calendar

Growing up, there was no season I enjoyed more than fall. All the pumpkin delicacies, football games every weekend and bike rides with my Dad to enjoy the changing leaves: my calendar was full of every fall-themed activity imaginable.

As a college student, however, I’ve come to the unfortunate realization that my favorite time of the year coincides with one of the worst times of the year: midterm season. As coursework increases and every week is seemingly marked with important deadlines, it can become difficult to fully take advantage of all the festivities that arrive with the changing colors of the leaves.

With that in mind, I’ve had to adjust my expectations for what I can do during the fall season.

1. Pumpkin spice makes everything nice

Nothing signals the arrival of the fall season more than all the pumpkin and fall-themed specialty drinks and desserts that crowd cafe menus. I have no shame in saying that my first sip of a Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew is a highlight of my year. And paired with pumpkin bars? Or pumpkin scones? The options are endless. Believe me, because this is coming from someone who has attempted to try all of them.

On your way to your next cramming session at College Library, stop and treat yourself to a pumpkin drink and (not “or”! You deserve it!) a pumpkin pastry. My favorite spot in Madison is Barriques for either the pumpkin spice scone (my personal favorite) or the pumpkin chocolate chip break (my roommate’s favorite). Like I said, pumpkin spice really does make everything nice, including midterm study marathons.

2. Indulge in retail therapy but make it ~budget AND environmentally friendly~

A study break to find a new wardrobe without breaking the bank and being environmentally conscious? Immediate win. As much as I love dresses, skirts and tank-tops, as soon as the weather hits below 60 degrees, I am itching to swap out my entire wardrobe with chunky sweaters, boots and cardigans. At the same time, however, there’s always a few new pieces and trends that I’m eyeing up. On a college budget, making these additions to my closet is much more feasible (and environmentally friendly) by thrifting. My friends and I like to schedule an afternoon to scour the racks of as many thrift stores as possible. In Madison, St. Vincent De Paul’s Dig & Save is both close to campus and charges by the pound – almost guaranteeing that you’ll walk out with something under $5!

3. Schedule some potluck dinners with your friends 

This is something that my friends and I talk about and look forward to every year. While Friendsgiving is always an event to mark on your calendar, there is no reason why hosting a dinner party with your best friends should be limited to once a year. Make it as extravagant or as simplistic as you’d like – it’s all about getting together and giving yourselves a break from eating meals over textbooks and laptop screens. My friends and I aren’t fancy and stick to some mismatched candles for a “centerpiece” and cut-out fall leaves as place markers. Even the food doesn’t have to be elaborate – proven by one of my friends who always surprises us with some fast-food delicacy.

4. Hot Girl Walks ft. Pretty Fall Leaves

This is one of my favorites in Madison especially. As the leaves change, a walk to Picnic Point or around Lake Monona could be the reset you need from the never-ending cycle of classes and schoolwork. Pair this with a fall specialty drink or a pumpkin pastry (and maybe a blanket and a good book) and you have the perfect recipe for a slow, relaxing fall afternoon!

5. Embrace Hygge

While requiring the shortest time commitment, embracing hygge – the popular Danish lifestyle that focuses on integrating simple pleasures into your daily life – is far from easy. With midterm season, small acts of happiness often fall to the wayside as any time not spent studying feels “wasted”. In reality, however, there are many, many little actions we can incorporate into our daily routines that remind us both to slow down and enjoy the too-short-lived fall season. Bake a fall dessert that you’ve had pinned for years and never tried, turn on a favorite Halloween movie or relax in some warm socks and PJs. These little acts of self-love are always deserved and simultaneously, are a great way to bask in the pleasures of the fall season.

Hi, I'm Julia! I am a senior at UW-Madison, double majoring in International Studies & Legal Studies with a certificate in Chicanx & Latinx Studies. I love to travel and hope to teach or work at a nonprofit abroad someday.