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Pre-Thanksgiving Workout

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


I know most people don’t want to spend their Thanksgiving doing any sort of workout, but here’s a head start before you eat all the yumminess (I know I’ll be stuffing my face!). It’s a simple workout to follow with basic moves, but it will get your heart rate up and make you stronger!


Burpees 10x

  • place hands on floor, squat down, jump feet back into plank position, jump feet back in and jump up

Push-ups 10x

  • can be done on feet or knees, just make sure to keep a straight line in your back and keep your abs tight

Squats 20x

  • make sure to keep the weight in your heels and knees behind toes

Lunges 20x

  • make sure to keep knees in line with ankles, and for more of a challenge you can do split lunges by jumping to switch legs

Plank 60 seconds

  • can be held on either hands (like in push-up position) or on forearms


Do 5 rounds and time yourself so you can beat your time next workout!


Good luck and have fun eating all that amazing food! 

Katie McDonough is a freshman at the University of Wisconsin- Madison and is currently undecided about her major. She's a fitness junkie from downtown Chicago who spends much of her time reading blogs. She is a soon to be brother of the service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega and is studying to become an ACE personal trainer and/or group fitness instructor. Some of her favorite things include TurboKick, dancing, pizza, her golden retriever Buddy, reading blogs, and watching trashy tv with her roomie!