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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

To My Best Friend,

In such a short span of time, you have managed to make one of the biggest impacts on my life. You taught me that it doesn’t matter how long you know someone, and you have shown me what true friendship is. I hope one day you are able to see yourself the way I see you: a genuine, selfless, caring, hilarious and beautiful human being who deserves the world. I am grateful for you beyond words.

Anna Schultz-Girls Laying In Grass At The Park
Anna Schultz / Her Campus
I cherish all of the moments that we have spent together. I love everything from our random pizza cravings at two in the morning to the fact that we can easily spend an absurd amount of time laughing over the dumbest things, and how we both seem to understand what the other is thinking just by one look. I love that it never matters what we’re doing because together we can make the most out of any situation. Even on my worst days, you are always able to get a laugh and a smile out of me. On top of that, you never fail to give the absolute best advice. You have helped me in ways you will never understand, and I can’t thank you enough.

three women with face masks
Anna Shvets
I am so proud of the person that you are and who you will continue to become. As you make big decisions about your future, you are willing to accept that things may change. It makes me happy to see your eyes light up when you find subjects you’re passionate about and discover more about who you are as a person. No matter how difficult life may be at times, which you of all people understand, I watch you spend your time constantly giving to others. Just know that when life gets tough, I will always have your back. I aspire to be as strong as you. 

Anna Schultz-Girls Hat Laughing Friends Coral Wall
Anna Schultz / Her Campus
Although I don’t know what the future holds, there is one thing I am certain about: our friendship. I know that no matter what, I can always count on you to be by my side. Even if our paths lead us in completely opposite directions, I have no fears of losing touch. True friendships are so rare and, therefore, should never be taken for granted. Thank you for letting me into your life and being the sister I never had. Whenever you need me, know that I will be there unfailingly.       Love, Madeline  

Maddie Bergstrom

Wisconsin '23

Maddie Bergstrom is a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin-Madison studying Journalism and Psychology. She enjoys movie nights, listening to music, fashion and spending time with friends.