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A newbie Badger’s guide to game days

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

We all know and love game days. It’s that time of year in the fall where the city of Madison all of a sudden turns red on a Saturday morning. People are walking around dressed head to toe in game day apparel in preparation for the big sports event. It always amazes me how exciting the city gets on game day. But how do you know if you’re getting the most out of your game day experience? Read on!

Obviously, being girls means that game day outfits are way more important than the actually football game. If it’s the beginning of the season, you can sport jean shorts with one of the millions of t-shirts or tank tops that are sold. When it gets a little cooler, you can do the same shirts with a zip-up sweatshirt and whatever pants you’d like (I tend to do leggings with high socks over them). The overalls are a staple that can be worn throughout any season. Whatever you do, just aim to look like the big red cup you’ll be drinking out of.

Pre-gaming is the best part of game day. Blasting music and day drinking are two of the greatest activities – and when you combine them, you have a winner. Being by the lake when it’s nice out is a great way to prepare for the game.

And clearly everyone knows that the best part of the actual game is jump around. At the end of the third quarter when the song comes on and everyone starts jumping up and down, you can literally feel the stands shaking with vibration. After it’s over, there’s one more quarter and hopefully a win for the Badgers. Game day is filled with red apparel, music, drinking, football and cheers.  So happy football season and enjoy your game days!