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Is It a “Bones” or “No-Bones” Day?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Noodle the 13-year-old pug is deciding how our day is going to be

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been obsessed with Noodle the Pug and his predictions about the quality of my day. This viral TikTok sensation caught so much attention when Noodle’s owner, Jonathan Graziano, started to post videos of his 13-year old pug as a way to predict how your day was going to go. Similar to a daily horoscope, in his videos, Graziano would prop up his pug on his bed to see whether he would stand or flop like a noodle. If he stands, it’s a “bones day” and if he plops back in bed, it’s a “no-bones” day. I understand that might be perplexing, so let me explain a little more.

Graziano explained “bones day” as a productive day where you should get out of bed and start doing things you’ve been procrastinating for a while. A “no-bones” day is a lazy kind of day where you take time for self care. Noodle has become such an internet sensation because of his relatability. Some days feel like “no-bones” days to humans too. Some days we just feel like plopping right back into bed, and Noodle makes that feel okay.

Noodle became a social phenomenon with over 300 million viewers on the hashtag #nobones. Even celebrities and public figures have jumped on the Noodle bandwagon, with Louisiana Governor John Bel Evans using “bones day” as a way to motivate his constituents to get vaccinated. Companies have also begun to incorporate this viral sensation as their marketing tactic, with our beloved UW Starship Robots encouraging people to have a “no-bones day” and let them bring food and drinks to your door instead.

Bones or no-bones day has improved my mood lately as the days have gotten chillier, signaling the inevitable era of seasonal depression.. Graziano’s bubbly and fun personality is also why I’m so addicted to his videos. He has warm words that make you feel good regardless of what kind of day you’re going to have, whether it’s a “bones or no-bones day.” Also, it goes without saying that Noodle is such an adorable dog, and his behavior just brings a smile to anyone’s face who watches these videos.

“Bones or no-bones day” is also a reminder to everyone to be kind to yourselves and take a day to relax once in a while. Especially with how hectic college life is, we often feel guilty or anxious for taking time for self-care. Noodle helps us realize that some days just aren’t going to be as productive and fruitful as we hope, so focusing on yourself should be a main priority. Normalizing this idea helps us feel less alone, especially when so many other people can relate to the need to have a no-bones day once in a while.

Regardless of whether you have a bones or no-bones day, I hope you take each day with a positive attitude and be kinder to yourselves. Not everyday is going to be a super productive one, but take these days to sleep in, watch some TV, or go for a walk around campus. Don’t be afraid to take these mental health breaks, because at the end of the day that’s the most important thing! 

(This article was written and brought to you on a Bones Day!)

Nadya Hayasi

Wisconsin '23

Nadya is a senior in UW-Madison studying History and Political Science, with certificates in Southeast Asian Studies and Public Policy. Outside of Her Campus, she spends her time going out with friends, napping, and justifying why taking the bus up Bascom Hill is much better than climbing it every day at 9am.