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I Tried Emily Mariko’s Salmon: Here’s What I Thought

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Emily Mariko salmon is the new activity for your weeknight

I am guilty of wasting too much time on TikTok throughout the day, and like many of you, am obsessed with Emily Mariko. She creates satisfying videos with little to no talking that show moments of her everyday life. Emily Mariko got famous from her salmon rice recipe. And being the girl who is easily influenced… I needed to try it.

Mariko takes rice and mashes it up with cooked salmon, kewpie mayo, sriracha and soy sauce. After that, she adds avocado and kimchi. Using chopsticks, she forms a makeshift sushi roll with seaweed snacks. It looks so satisfying.

I invited my friends over to my apartment to recreate her concoction. What I found is that even though there are a substantial amount of steps, it’s so easy to make. Beyond that, you can really doctor up the recipe any way you’d like. Add cucumber, maybe… It makes it fun!

If you have texture issues with food, this recipe may not be for you. One of my friends couldn’t get more than a couple bites in before being bothered by the texture of the salmon rice. She tapped out, but respected the idea alongside everyone else.

If you love sushi and trying new things, try this!! This meal idea stems from Mariko’s amazing job at recreating Asian-inspired recipes. It’s fun to get involved in the TikTok trend of people copying her approach.Why not join in on the fun when you have a night where you want to experiment in the kitchen?

If you want to have a fun night experimenting in the kitchen with friends or family, make Emily Mariko salmon. I highly encourage little dinner parties in college. If you have a kitchen, or even a microwave, and the needed supplies, do this with your people!

Overall, I think everyone should try this salmon recipe once. It’s not that hard and is a fun little project. I might not get around to making it again, but I’m happy I’ve had it at least once. Also, follow Emily Mariko on TikTok, I cannot recommend her enough.

Halle Zides

Wisconsin '24

I am a sophomore in college who loves sharing the things I am passionate with like minded people- this includes: fashion, eats, workout spots and ideas, empowerment, friendship, education, and more!!