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How You Should Celebrate International Women’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Women run the world, here’s how to celebrate that.

While International Women’s Day has already passed, it is important to recognize ways that we should recognize and celebrate the day as well as all of Women’s History Month. Here are eight easy ways to celebrate and support the women of the world.

1. Vote in Every Election

This one is so important. We often overlook the importance of voting, especially in primary elections or local elections. On every ballot there is something that will directly impact women. There is always a politician these days who is voting or advocating against women, and we need to get out there and vote.

2. Support Female Owned Businesses

Stop buying things from Amazon! Support women who are creating sustainable products and supporting themselves with it! An easy way to do this is following businesses on social media or through Google. Many people write articles about small female owned businesses to look out for!

3. Advocate for Change for Women of Color 

Women of color are the most targeted group in the United States. We need to do better to help create a better place for them to be able to exist. We need to make an environment that lifts these women up, rather than attacking them and pulling them down.

4. Be Loud, Not Silent 

Stand up against those who are telling you you’re wrong when you’re right. Be the loudest person in the room. Staying quiet does not create change, being loud is success. 

5. Block and Report Sexist Pigs on the Internet

This does apply to those comedians who use women in a derogatory way in their jokes AND the kid from 6th grade who thinks he is entitled to be posting about women all the time on Instagram.

6. Lift Up Trans Women 

I cannot emphasize this enough. TRANSWOMEN ARE WOMEN. We must lift them up with us and let them join us in our wins and in our losses. Speak out for them and with them for their livelihoods.

7. Break up with your sexist boyfriend 

No bestie, it’s not funny when your boyfriend mansplains your major to you. Get rid of him, call him out on his crap, and send him on his way. You deserve better. 

8. Reach out to the women in your life who have helped you succeed

Thank your moms, sisters, teachers, friends, aunts, grandmas… any woman in your life who has made it better. Just text or call them; let them know you’re thinking about them.

For International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, celebrate yourself and the women around you. You deserve to succeed, you deserve recognition. Lift up each other, compliment women on the street, and tell your friends you love them. Women belong where decisions and change are being made.

Sarah Rovner

Wisconsin '25

Sarah is a Biology and Global Health major at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is originally from Chicago, Illinois and is passionate about women's health, the ocean, and baseball. She hopes to go into research after graduating.