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How to get back into the Groove Post-Midterm Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

 Work Hard, Recover Harder

I can speak on behalf of all of us when I say this: we’re tired. Exam after exam after exam is not easy to handle, especially while trying to take care of yourself and honor your mental and physical health. However, I have a few things I’ve been doing to get back into the groove after exams that help me feel more like myself.

Below, I’ll list them. I encourage you to take advantage of these ideas to recover after turning in big assignments, but if you find they’re also nice as preparation, that works too!

Go to bed early!

I cannot stress this enough. Go to bed. Even if you’re tempted to stay up and watch one more episode, or hangout with friends 10 minutes longer… if your body needs it, it needs it. For me, when I start to get stressed out about little things, or if I’m feeling mentally drained, I know it’s time for me to go to bed early and shut my eyes. 

Workout! Move your body!

Nothing clears my mind more than releasing endorphins. Take a class with your friends! Go to the gym alone. Lift some weights, run a little; do whatever feels right for you. A little sweat is good for your mental and physical health.  

Listen to a podcast or a new album

This is the definition of taking time for yourself. Sometimes letting your mind go somewhere else while you listen to an external voice is a nice escape. Right now, I’m loving anything Taylor Swift. Also, Jenna Palek’s podcast, Fun on Weekdays, is a fun new find for me.

Get your nails done

Treat yourself! You deserve it. If manicures aren’t your thing, do whatever is your form of self care. Anything that makes you feel renewed. This is your reward for getting through those tough assignments

Cook a nice meal

I’m sure that you haven’t had the time to really cook for yourself and get excited about a meal. Plan with your roommates, go grocery shopping and make comfort food. Nothing feels better than eating a yummy dinner after a long day. You can also order takeout too – whatever makes you happiest.

Exam season takes a toll. Give yourself grace and do the little things to slow down and reward yourself for being the amazing, strong student you are.

Halle Zides

Wisconsin '24

I am a sophomore in college who loves sharing the things I am passionate with like minded people- this includes: fashion, eats, workout spots and ideas, empowerment, friendship, education, and more!!