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How to Survive Until Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

The time has come that, as college students, we dread all year long: finals week. This week and next are packed with studying and reviewing material that feels like we learned centuries ago. Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights go from raging at bars with your friends ‘til the crack of dawn to “raging” at the library until they kick you out because they’re closing. We all kick up our caffeine intake and decrease our sleep schedule to the level of functioning zombies. What makes it even worse as students of UW is that this time comes right after the epic Mifflin weekend. So if all you can do is think of how much you wish you could go back to Mifflin and put finals to the back of your mind, read on for how to survive.
Make a Schedule
You’re feeling swamped with so many papers, tests and final assignments that you don’t know what to do with yourself. Well, the best thing to do is make a schedule. Schedule yourself down to the minute; be as specific as you can be. Set aside time blocks for when you are going to study and be specific as to what subject you’re studying during those time periods. Once the schedule is complete, the next step is to follow it! I know, easier said than done.
Take Breaks!
Going back to the schedule, make sure to pencil in time to take breaks. I know it may feel unproductive not having your nose buried in your books, but it’s going to keep you sane and alive. Do whatever makes you relax. Go for a walk, watch TV, hang out with your friends; just try not to think about the finals creeping up on you.
Stay Healthy
As previously mentioned, the intensification of caffeine and the reduction in sleep come in sync with finals time. This is terrible for your body. If you have to do it, make sure to eat healthy at the least. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and full meals. This is not the time to go to the vending machines and Cup O’ Noodles for food survival; your energy will hit the floor faster than finals week came. If you can, find time to exercise. It can be used as a good break or a distraction when you are ready to pull your hair out from all of the studying.
Think Positive Thoughts
Although it seems like the only logical thing to do, try not to complain and drag on the death of finals week. Focus on how soon it’s going to be over. And better yet, once it is over, you have nothing to care about for three whole months – besides getting a good tan and partying your but off in the summer sun. It’s so close. Let the single digit countdown begin!