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How to productively procrastinate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Well, that dreadful time of the semester has rolled around once again to haunt us. Finals week. Also known as the time where procrastination soars and you can’t stop clicking through your Internet. We all have our moments of mindlessly scrolling through Facebook and Twitter but where does that even get us? Sometimes all it does is get you sad and down on yourself because who likes to look at pictures of how much fun you had all semester partying while you’re locked in your room or the library studying? So why not be productive while you put off your work? Read on to find out how.

Clean up
Take the time not studying to clean. Especially during finals week you’re going to need to be packing up for winter break soon and doing that in a clean room is so much easier. It’s a lot less stressful to have a clean room because it’s something you don’t need to worry about doing and you feel a lot less cluttered. So quit out of Facebook and pick up that dust buster.

Go to the gym
There is nothing like a good work out to help you relieve some stress. Mindlessly surfing the Internet can make you feel even worse about yourself. But finish a work out and studying in one day and you’ll feel great.  Even just taking a walk would get your blood pumping.

Make a calendar
Make a calendar of all the things you need to do. You’re not actually studying the material, but at least it still has something to do with doing your work. And when you actually sit down to start working, you’ll have a plan. Nothing feels better in the beginning of finals week than having a planned-out calendar to help you keep track of your schedule and stay on track.

Obviously you’re going to open the Internet a few times (or more…) but these are just a few ideas to make your procrastination productive. It’s always necessary to take breaks while studying, but that doesn’t mean the time has to go to waste.