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How to accomplish Thanksgiving damage-free

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

If you eat healthy and like to exercise, Thanksgiving may seem like the do-all end-all day but it is most certainly not. It’s nothing more than a cheat day where you can enjoy yourself. Sure, if you’re like any American, your table is probably filled with way too much food for the amount of people in attendance, but read on for tricks and tips on how to manage that fiasco.

Sneak in a work out
Since Thanksgiving is a meal for dinner you have no excuse to not do at least some sort of exercise that day. Even if you are the prime chef for the big meal, you can still take a break for even a quick walk while something is cooking. If you have nothing to do all day, and how lucky that must be, head to the gym. You won’t feel guilty indulging in the Thanksgiving staples if you worked it all off in the gym earlier that day.

Eat during the day
The worst thing you can do on Thanksgiving is fast all day in preparation for the big meal. You’ll only end up hurting yourself because you’ll go into it starving and end up eating way more than you would have had you eaten that day. I’m not saying go all out during the day and then feast at the dinner table.  But definitely have breakfast and lunch and a snack throughout the day. Then when you get to dinner you can enjoy yourself without being starving for food.

Don’t overdo it
Just because there’s a surplus of food doesn’t mean you need to finish it all, that’s what leftovers are for! There are plenty of ways to enjoy Thanksgiving leftovers post Thanksgiving Day. Keep portion sizes in mind when filling your plate and don’t feel guilty if you go back for seconds. After all, it only happens once a year.

And last but not least, enjoy yourself. Thanksgiving is not the meal to watch what you eat and be strict. It only happens once a year, so enjoy it or you’ll regret.  Spend time with your family and friends, relax and enjoy your break and some tasty food.