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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

I know, super controversial, but just hear me out

Last month my partner and I spent our 1 year anniversary watching a movie and eating Indian food. But, the twist is that we live 14 hours away from each other, and this was all done through Scener (our favorite streaming platform; I can’t rave enough about this). We’ve been in a long-distance relationship (LDR) ever since we started dating back in September 2020, when I started college here in Madison while he was working in a completely different state. While I miss my partner a lot, and wish he would visit more often, I’m not afraid to say I love being in an LDR. I know, not a common perspective, but let me explain myself.

Being in college is a time of change and growth, and I appreciate having the freedom away from my partner to figure out who I really am. While he has always supported me through numerous texts and calls, I was ultimately forced to make decisions on my own and deal with problems without the luxury of my partner standing right by me. As difficult as it is, I look back and appreciate how much I’ve grown in the past year from moving to a new country for school to learning how to live alone and take care of myself.

I also love that I get to go out and live my own life, experience new things, and tell him all about it the next day. It makes our calls so much more interesting. We never run out of things to talk about because we don’t spend all our time being with each other. Some people say being in a relationship stifles their independence, but I’ve never felt this way because I still have so much time to spend with my friends, try new things, and have a full college experience on my own. We don’t feel like we need to talk to each other all the time, nor do we feel offended if the other person is busy. I know that if I need him, he’ll be there for me and I appreciate knowing my best friend has my back even when he’s miles away.

Being in a LDR also makes time together even more magical. We try to see each other once every two to three months. There are so many little things about being far apart that make finally getting to see each other so special. There is day-before excitement, and the process of making plans so you can make the most out of your time together. The best part is the moment when you finally find them waiting for you at the airport with open arms. When you’re around each other so often, it’s easy to take each other for granted. As cliché as it sounds, distance DOES make the heart grow fonder, and being in an LDR makes me so grateful for the time that my partner and I have together and look forward to the next time I get to see him again. 

A lot of people think that being in an LDR requires much more work and communication than couples who are in close proximity. While I do agree, it’s not as difficult as most people imagine it to be. Being in an LDR has taught me so much and makes me appreciate my partner much more. It also makes me appreciate the amount of effort he has put into making this relationship work. I’ve been able to grow as an individual and not half of a duo, and that’s something I truly cherish about being in an LDR.

If you’re thinking of breaking up with your high school boyfriend just because of the myth that long distance doesn’t last, maybe take a second shot. The truth is, being in a long-distance relationship has a lot of benefits and I won’t miss out on my chance at true love just because my prince charming is a couple of hours away.

Nadya Hayasi

Wisconsin '23

Nadya is a senior in UW-Madison studying History and Political Science, with certificates in Southeast Asian Studies and Public Policy. Outside of Her Campus, she spends her time going out with friends, napping, and justifying why taking the bus up Bascom Hill is much better than climbing it every day at 9am.