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HBO Girls: A show about, love, life, and friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


After a long day of listening to thrilling lectures, studying perfect notes and learning exciting material, the one thing I love to do when I get back to my dorm is strip down and get into my pajamas, under my warm comforter, and watch that TV show I can never watch when it actually airs.

I have a few shows that I watch religiously like Greys Anatomy, Glee, and my new favorite Friday Night Lights. However, there is one show that doesn’t compare. Not only because the plot is controversial in nature, but also I can relate to it: Girls.

One could say that I am obsessed with the HBO series Girls because it involves sex, love, New York City—specifically Brooklyn because it’s artsy—quirky friends, and the classic awkward situations us ladies unfortunately have to experience. However, my obsession goes so much further. I love the show Girls because it is pure artwork.

Created, written, starring and directed by Lena Dunham, Girls explores the obstacles women embark on during their post-college years to their mid 20’s. Lena tackles the ugly truth about guys, sex, drugs, friendships, and relationships through a raw and realistic composition that all women—young and old—can relate to. Yes, Lena is naked for an uncomfortable amount of time during the show, but sadly, you get used to it. Unlike other TV shows like Sex and the City or Gossip Girl, life is not perfect, hot, sexy and good for everyone. In Girls, well, life is pretty awkward and average so I think we can all relate.

Lets take a look at the four main girls who have not only won our hearts, but possess traits common in all women:

Hannah: She is brutally honest, self-centered, and so uncomfortably comfortable with her body that she has no shame in showing it off. Hannah has gone through pretty much everything sucky that a girl could possibly go through after college. Lets make a quick list: cut off from parents, lost her job, found out her ex-boyfriend from college was secretly gay (c’mon you didn’t know?), obsessed with an alcoholic and aggressive man named Adam (who we all love), and so much more (I don’t want to spoil everything!). But despite all her problems, we love her. One reason being, she is played by Lena Dunham, and second, because we all wish we were that witty. 


Marnie: Marnie is probably one of the most beautiful people ever. And I really mean ever. She sings, has a rockin’ bod, and knows what she wants. Some would call her a control freak based on her put-together appearance and dedication to her job as a curator for an art gallery, but she is also an extremely caring friend. Marnie and Hannah are the classic example of true friends that we have all had or will have in the future.   


Shoshanna: To use her vocabulary, Shoshanna or “Shosh” is amaze! She’s young, quirky, and hilariously naïve. Everything that comes out of her mouth is hysterical and at an extremely high pace but that’s why we love her! She LOVES to abbreviate…everything. “Oh my effing g, like no way that’s amaze!”  


Jessa: The free-spirited Jessa, with her cool English accent, hip style, and zen personality brings light to this group of girls. She has traveled all around the world, experienced all cultures and religions, and treats life like a gift rather than a chore. Fun fact: the actress who plays Jessa (Jemima Kirke) is Lena Dunham’s best friend in real life!

Well, I hope you can realize how much I love this show not only for its relatable plot line but also because of these awesome, real, and complex characters who keep me watching every Sunday night at 8! So sit back, relax, and watch Seasons 1 and 2 of this fantastic show! You know you want to.


P.S None of this could have ever happened without my good friend, hbogo.com 

Ava Paradise is currently a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin- Madison majoring in Journalism and Mass Communication 
Becca Bahrke is a junior at the University of Wisconsin- Madison majoring in Retailing and minoring in Entrepreneurship and Gender & Women Studies. Becca is currently the CC/EIC of Her Campus- Wisconsin, and will continue writing news. Becca's primary hobby is blogging on her tumblr http://beccahasnothingtowear.tumblr.com